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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Meanwhile in Israel


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That footage is really disturbing. If ever there was a conflict where there was no clear 'good guy' this is it.

So complicated. And it needs peacemakers on both sides to really make a solution work. And if I'm honest - I don't think peace is what either side want.

Saw this footage of an air strike on a building Hamas operate from earlier today. Scary stuff.....


I'd love to visit Israel and Palestine one day - when things are calmer, but they seem to be going in much the other direction sadly......

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I think it's more about competition for land and who has supremecy. Obviously add in the vast religious and cultural divide and it's a lethal combination. Not defending religion at all, but I think even without it there would still be big trouble in this part of the world anyway

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Basically the Jews say it's their ancient sacred homeland going back 1,000s years, before being expelled, eventually to all points (hence the term diaspora). Over time the Arabs moved in, with various wrangles with Christians in the Holy Land (the Crusades) and others along the way. Things seemed to have settled down until the British Balfour Declaration in 1917 that committed to giving the Jews their national homeland in Palestine. Unfortunately I don't think anyone told the Palestinians. This became a reality in 1945 for perhaps understandable reasons. Ironically Palestine was a British protectorate and not really up for giving it over lockstok and barrel so the Jews fought the British to get their independence. Israel was then formed in 1948 and the rest, as they say, is history!

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1 minute ago, Burnden Pies said:

Basically the Jews say it's their ancient sacred homeland going back 1,000s years, before being expelled, eventually to all points (hence the term diaspora). Over time the Arabs moved in, with various wrangles with Christians in the Holy Land (the Crusades) and others along the way. Things seemed to have settled down until the British Balfour Declaration in 1917 that committed to giving the Jews their national homeland in Palestine. Unfortunately I don't think anyone told the Palestinians. This became a reality in 1945 for perhaps understandable reasons. Ironically Palestine was a British protectorate and not really up for giving it over lockstok and barrel so the Jews fought the British to get their independence. Israel was then formed in 1948 and the rest, as they say, is history!

Cheers BP

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20 minutes ago, Rudy said:

Anyone care to give me the cliff note break down of the beef between these two because I literally have no idea about their history or cause they’re fighting for


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22 minutes ago, Rudy said:

Anyone care to give me the cliff note break down of the beef between these two because I literally have no idea about their history or cause they’re fighting for

It goes back hundreds if not thousands of years when it comes to 'holy land'. However it all came to the fore with the creation of Israel.

This is a good bit if info on the current eruption in violence and killings

BBC News - Israel-Palestinians: Old grievances fuel new fighting


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2 minutes ago, Winchester White said:

It goes back hundreds if not thousands of years when it comes to 'holy land'. However it all came to the fore with the creation of Israel.

This is a good bit if info on the current eruption in violence and killings

BBC News - Israel-Palestinians: Old grievances fuel new fighting


I’ll have a read on the throne later cheers mate 

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So basically it's a party wall dispute that's got out of hand. 

Chuck in who's imaginary friend wrote the better version of the same book and you end up with this. 

Let em blow each other up so us good Christian folk of either side can live in peace with each other like they do in Ireland... Oh fuck. 


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Religion innit.

Imagine a game of musical chairs. There's 1 chair left, and you have Hershi, Mohammed and John all circling menacingly as they are convinced the chair is theirs. But the music never stops, and now and again one of them will pretend to sit down and the others will throw stones/rockets at them.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim this dusty, ramshackle square kilometre of rocks in Jerusalem as the focal point for their faith.

It's more a case of it being USA vs Iran. Israel have powerful backing from the yanks, Palestine have Iran and various other Arab nations protecting them

All as bad as each other and it would be better for the world as a whole if the entire area fell into a massive sinkhole and they set their shrines up elsewhere.

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43 minutes ago, Burnden Pies said:

Basically the Jews say it's their ancient sacred homeland going back 1,000s years, before being expelled, eventually to all points (hence the term diaspora). Over time the Arabs moved in, with various wrangles with Christians in the Holy Land (the Crusades) and others along the way. Things seemed to have settled down until the British Balfour Declaration in 1917 that committed to giving the Jews their national homeland in Palestine. Unfortunately I don't think anyone told the Palestinians. This became a reality in 1945 for perhaps understandable reasons. Ironically Palestine was a British protectorate and not really up for giving it over lockstok and barrel so the Jews fought the British to get their independence. Israel was then formed in 1948 and the rest, as they say, is history!

Excellent summary.  

Worth adding the 6 day war in 1967 where the Israelis triumphed over the Arabs, and used their victory to nick more land/reclaim back more of the holy state.

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34 minutes ago, Spider said:


Religion innit.

Imagine a game of musical chairs. There's 1 chair left, and you have Hershi, Mohammed and John all circling menacingly as they are convinced the chair is theirs. But the music never stops, and now and again one of them will pretend to sit down and the others will throw stones/rockets at them.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim this dusty, ramshackle square kilometre of rocks in Jerusalem as the focal point for their faith.

It's more a case of it being USA vs Iran. Israel have powerful backing from the yanks, Palestine have Iran and various other Arab nations protecting them

All as bad as each other and it would be better for the world as a whole if the entire area fell into a massive sinkhole and they set their shrines up elsewhere.

Fiona Bruce has nothing on you 

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