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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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kent_white last won the day on January 18

kent_white had the most liked content!


2,607 Top of the class

About kent_white

  • Birthday 13/09/1872

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  1. Fuck off you set of fannies. If I want to use a straw - I'll use a fucking straw. Moaning cunts! 😁
  2. Harambe?
  3. Glitter 😁
  4. I don't understand what these Palestinians are moaning about? They've got the chance to become the Torquay of the Middle East here!
  5. Bring back hanging, drawing and quartering! That should do it!
  6. I'm another one that's not convinced with Matete. His distribution is poor and he gets rolled too easily for a defensive midfielder.
  7. Just weighing in on the Santos as a midfield enforcer debate. I think he moves the ball much too slowly to be trusted with it in that part of the field.
  8. Still a long way to go. But I've always had my doubts about the verdict. It's statistically unlikely that this could happen in a run to the same nurse - but statistically unlikely is not impossible.
  9. Which wasn't mentioned in court - which defies belief if true!
  10. Did he heck! Are you genuinely trying to conflate those two? 😅
  11. Sweaty Etete Should be two up by now really
  12. Might take a couple of days to work properly. So don't bin them off if they don't work 100% straight away! 👍
  13. I might have my wires crossed then. Or it's different people.
  14. Yeah I was imagining what the reaction would have been on here had 2 Tier Keir had done similarly 🤣
  15. I think he's been re-arrested.....
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