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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

royal white

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Everything posted by royal white

  1. Yet here you are, in the morning bothering with me. No matter what I ever say or do on here I will never look as big a knob as you did a few months back. You took it to levels that had not been seen on here before. Quite the accomplishment. Be proud of that.
  2. We get it, you don’t like the “plan” because the Don has come up with it, you want the rebuild to be carried out by other arab countries even though they have said they will work with America 🤦🏻 And it is true, or so I thought, you have to have patience. If you’re arguing with me late on a Friday then it proves my point. Yes NIC we have heard you tell us all numerous times that your dyslexic many on here have also seen you try to pick up others on their punctuation/grammar which makes me think are you really dyslexic as surely that’s not something a dyslexic person would do, or are you just a knob? I’m guessing it’s a case of both. And we know about your parents being teachers, I don’t think anyone is bothered, why you feel the need to mention this in numerous threads is anyone’s guess 🤷🏻
  3. As I said you’ve clearly not explored the city if Trump tower is one of the worst places. It makes no sense, which is quite a common theme with your late night posts.
  4. You might want to fix some of your spelling before sir picks you up.
  5. You’ve not used a full stop, you sure you’re a teacher? 🙄
  6. Well you’ve definitely not explored NYC if you think Trump tower is one of the worst places in the city. For someone who tells others not to bother you do spend a lot of time bothering.
  7. And just like that 😂😂 it’s obviously true what the say about teachers
  8. “Night all” Oh wait, Nic Nic Nic I will Post for you because you don’t bother 😂 Embarrassing 😂
  9. It wouldn’t to someone who clearly struggles to read.
  10. “Understanding of politics”. You was sat in your house waiting for a voting card for an election that wasn’t happening you daft gawp 😂 “I seriously don’t know what you bother” 🤡
  11. Coincidently left out the reference to refugees 😂 Good to see all these Arab countries are willing to work with America. Who runs America again? So they all want to work with America, America has said they will work with many other countries…….what you whining about? Its took you a night of posting to highlight what Trump has said 😂 shocker cocker
  12. You will have to tell me where to go next time. I’ve only been the 4 times so not that clued up. Obviously you and your ticket touting empire must visit the big apple regularly 😂
  13. 😂😂😂
  14. All these Middle East countires apprently wanting to help out now yet closed the doors on the refugees
  15. I said I need help with my sleep, can you tell us about it again And you said you’re not posting about your time on Twitter to which I replied “I will have to take your world for it. You can read can’t you? Are you ok?
  16. I’d have to take your word for it. Palestinians stood there in rubble wanting out but LW thinks it bulls shit because he doesn’t like the posters Twitter account. 🤦🏻 Here, I’m having trouble sleeping of late, tell us about your time playing footy over there, it might help me nod off.
  17. Have you heard of London Wanderer off WW, went to Israel once and played a game of footy. Absolute expert in the Israel/palestine conflict. Hit him up for his totally non biased views 😂😂😂
  18. You spelt Beers wrong
  19. And go where in the mean time? you really don’t think things through do you.
  20. If you think every Palestinian wants to stay then you’re deluded. There’s a reason thousand are at borders. At present there’s nothing there for them, who in their right mind would want to stay. This is how it’s going on WW at the moment , people complain about illegals coming over here and the response is “yes they’re leaving war zones it’s what you would do for your family” now there’s folk in a war zone with literally nothing “they will want to stay and rebuild” Make your fkin minds up 😂😂
  21. Posted from your nice cosy house I’m guessing.
  22. And the previous government did? 😂
  23. Shut up you fools, you will stay and rebuild your country like the folk on a football forum suggested. It’s only a bit of rubble.
  24. I don’t know you’d have to ask him. There were Quite a lot of facts in the cartoon, did you miss them?
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