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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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athywhite1958 last won the day on August 12 2024

athywhite1958 had the most liked content!


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About athywhite1958

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  1. On this day 39 years ago a scouse/welsh cnut was born - Happy Birthday Bi E
  2. Golden point, I was sat with 3 Wiganers in our local watching it, oh how I chuckled
  3. It was a good watch, good to see the big boys getting a bloody nose, glad the ref didn't bottle things at the end and gave folk rightly deserved red cards, superb atmosphere
  4. Bolton fans speaking Welsh all night????
  5. Freddie Hill was God
  6. Great performance by Newcastle, hope Spurs beat Liverpool tonight (same as others on here), would make for a decent final
  7. Have you ever seen prison conditions, in real life?
  8. I work with lots of people who live in squalid conditions, how about ex partners of criminals living in shit holes trying to bring kids up and their ex fella has spent everything on drugs and alcohol and knocked her about, it is happening in every town in our country, open your eyes you may see them in town centres across the country, women's refuges are full to bursting with abused women, do you not see news reports about flats that are ridden with mould and damp, there far too many to mention and I suspect you are just being a contrary twat again
  9. Some people don't choose to live in those conditions but by quirk of fate they are forced to
  10. I'm still on 2 x 20mg per day, they work and that'll do me
  11. He thought it was a Quorn recipe book
  12. Been on it for about 15 years, not a touch of indegestion/heartburn
  13. My mode of transport for the past 5 years has been a mobility scooter, through no fault of my own, and I still have a responsible full time job, so I agree with Casino - fuck Trump
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