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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Everything posted by mickbrown

  1. As do you, Portly58. Still got twice the brains you’ve ever had owd man 👍
  2. Nope. Apparently my dad took me when I was six and I have no recollection of it. Must have been shite if I suppressed the memory
  3. Yanks have never got irony. Thought you might though. 😁
  4. Stable genius. Aye, horse fucking maybe.
  5. One is pandering, the other is more than happy to be pandered to. Bellends to a man.
  6. He’s a fucking halfwit who appeals to fucking halfwits. Case in point above.
  7. Jesus made them go away. Nah not really. He still under investigation isn’t he?
  8. You need to fuck the SE off. Can’t you work remotely?
  9. Pretty sure my mum is eligible for pension credit and isn’t claiming it. I’ll be sorting that next week
  10. Why would people living below the poverty line not be in receipt of pension credit?
  11. Folk losing their shit about a bloke not singing about a made up entity saving some bloke because he just happened to be born into a particular family. We’re a proper strange country.
  12. Praise the lord!! What a wanker
  13. I’m going to build my own camper van. Spend half my life watching folk do them on YouTube. Won’t be pullling a wee car though. The plan is a couple of those Bromptons if we need to pop to the shops.
  14. Was just going to say that. Bravo on the spelling.
  15. Read that NY Times article. It sounded well dodgy and that before the therapy exercise scribblings were passed off as a confession.
  16. Aye. Couldn’t pay me enough. And they deffo don’t pay enough. Did you read that NY Times article about it? Think there’s a link somewhere in the thread.
  17. Her ‘confession’ turning out to be an exercise for a therapist being used as evidence is flimsy as fuck now.
  18. Be easy enough to pay the extra 200 quid back. Bet they don’t.
  19. Elf and safety gone mad. Back in my day………
  20. It doesn’t It’s quite simple. Bit like the fella himself.
  21. If only building resilience was as easy as learning times tables. Ditch the anti depressants and prescribe your two times table.
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