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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Spider last won the day on July 5

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About Spider

  • Birthday 01/01/1975

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  1. Caravanninnining is so bleak even Morrisey has struggled to write a song about it. Pulling those little cartridges full of piss across a field doesn’t look like a holiday to me. then sitting of an evening talking to other caravanananerers about caravan things. having to buy those mongy wing mirrors, and sunglasses that fit over your regular specs from page 56 of the Daily Mail. A holiday should be a chance to upgrade your normal life to something better and super convenient. Not downgrading to 2 weeks living in a massive record case watching your neighbours empty latrines. I don’t get it.
  2. Quality Pints sounds like something off Phoenix Noghts
  3. So is she innocent then? Like, Andy Dufresne innocent?
  4. There are hundreds of buildings around the country covered with flammable cladding because of what these cunts did. It’s not negligence, or incompetence we’re talking about here - it’s knowingly and intentionally selling a product you know is lethal. Corporate manslaughter is the very least they deserve charging with. It should be worse.
  5. Google Celotex ”Released as part of Wednesday's report, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, Chairman of the Grenfell Inquiry, revealed the firm had rigged a key safety test that ensured the material would pass inspection for use in construction.”
  6. Nope. One of the cladding manufacturers made up a test purely to pass their cladding as non-combustible. So all the safety certificates were then pointless because it was a load of lies. They KNEW the test was bollocks, and that’s why people are very likely to end up doing serious jail time. Have you read anything at all that was in the enquiry report released yesterday?
  7. Someone hasn’t seen the Grenfell report. Reading more than a Daily Mail headline is clearly beyond his attention span these days. Instead of queueing outside the local post office waving his zimmer frame at passers by, he may want to check why that accidental tumble dryer fire led to an ENTIRE tower block going up in flames. Why cladding that the manufacturers knew was flammable was still installed because they lied to every cunt and said it wasn’t. But the building had brown people in, so ho-hum
  8. You been on the mushy peas? 😂😂
  9. You’ve lost me with Grenfell here. Are you suggesting a load of companies who fabricated test results on cladding are being made scapegoats? There should be some massive jail sentences handed out for what’s taken place there. Kingspan are shitting themselves and rightly so the fucking slimy Irish cunts.
  10. Spider


    I dunno Noel was spotted in the Stone Island shop in london yesterday.
  11. Spider


    But “the surge” had happened before a single ticket had been sold. The servers knew at 8.59am that demand was 10:1 for what was available. Why didn’t they go up to £350 at 9am? Its a wankers trick when folk aren’t told. We know airlines do it, but as was mentioned, there are other options.
  12. Quick reminder that Jacob Rees Mogg won’t be in Parliament today. That’s a nice reminder, innit?
  13. I am deeply, deeply offended by this.
  14. I’d rather get treated by a doctor than a pensioner #BlitzSpirit
  15. After 12 years of waving them in, it’s a start.
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