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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

L/H White

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L/H White last won the day on October 14 2024

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1,752 Top of the class


About L/H White

  • Birthday 20/12/1986

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  1. I've just watched the Darby post match interview Genuinely don't think I've ever been so pleased for someone If you had a club full of people like him and his passion you'd do just alright
  2. I just say what I see A bit like Roy Walker
  3. Today felt like someone had stopped strangling you and you got your breath back
  4. Having a drink with the missus tonight in the pub next to band on the wall in Manchester, then all of a sudden Mani from the stone roses comes and sits with us
  5. Great start for city's new CB
  6. where was the scoreboard pressure
  7. Absolutely And that Johnston one was never a foul, nevermind a yellow
  8. hahahaha
  9. How proud is Darby, taking his grandson over to the away end, proud as punch
  10. Shame Schon had to go off, not one to go hiding like the rest of them usually
  11. That Dion chant
  12. them 3 CB's have just made brown liquid come out of my bottom
  13. look how excited everyone is now evatts gone
  14. have you had a breakdown on what your money has / hasn't been spent on?
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