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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

L/H White

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Everything posted by L/H White

  1. aye, i had one eye on my work screen so ended up in their upper tier
  2. nice n easy
  3. who you playing in the 10, randall or mcatee?
  4. Well pretty much, I know a lad who stays there a few night, goes work, nips home, then back again, it's a fucking joke
  5. No tinpot pitch invasion from Newcastle Great to see
  6. Arsenal serial bottlers This will be Artetas last season
  7. Lol @ playing out from the back
  8. they won't make that many against us, full strength
  9. must say, i'm looking forward to a midfield without thomasson for a couple of games
  10. 1-1 HT
  11. a nervy 2-1 victory
  12. yes
  13. happy clapper
  14. well they did spunk 6 million quid on madine
  15. eh?
  16. wouldn't read to much into this loads of pros having extra sessions away from their clubs now
  17. Is Dempsey definitely out for the season? He'd be starting for me when he's fit
  18. on the radio this morning, we're gonna be the first country to chuck weirdos in jail for making child abuse images with AI
  19. Yes, absolutely Would have preferred those 2 start tho Anyway, long way to go yet
  20. It's fine, hopefully whoever replaces him makes the places their own and keeps him out of for a spell, not good enough, a wreckless clown
  21. as above, we need a proper front man in who's capable of holding the ball up and bringing others into play, Vic just isn't upto it
  22. no idea what warranted Schon and Morley to be dropped head scratcher that one
  23. Wtf was he doing Back on the treatment table please Stump
  24. Could have / should have, had the match ball Collins
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