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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Traf last won the day on August 20

Traf had the most liked content!


5,520 Top of the class


About Traf

  • Birthday 16/01/1969

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  1. Trafford isn't PL quality as demonstrated several times last season. Decent Championship keeper, mind.
  2. Traf

    Arsenal (A)

    You can't handle the T-Ruth
  3. Yeah, we're on a site at Capenwray, 3 miles from Crnforth, we love it up here and would be here all year round if the site didn't shut for 2 months. We work from 'home', the site's lovely and it's a beautiful part of the world. As for our actual house, our 31yr son lives in it currently. Our youngest is at Uni and once they've graduated, got a job and found a place to live, we'll sell up.
  4. That's right. From March 1st to Jan 1st, I'm in a static. As for being a money pit, it's far cheaper on bills etc than my house and it has a higher resale value than the price I paid for it new back in 2017.
  5. Somebody needs to learn 30p Lee how to speak English.
  6. Traf

    Arsenal (A)

    I'm more out than @Big E
  7. Fancy losing the league by the end of August
  8. Traf

    Name The Ground

    Yeah, the curve behind the goal is the giveaway
  9. Traf


    That's because he hasn't forgotten who he is or where he came from.
  10. Yeah, shit happens, apparently, boo hoo. Same with the collateral damage being done to the Palestinians.
  11. Nobody is blaming the people involved with the cladding for the actual fire itself. The cladding allowed/caused the fire to spread. Two slightly different things at play here.
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