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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Tonge moor green jacket

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Everything posted by Tonge moor green jacket

  1. Buckley looking more assured, not sure he's as fit as he can be though like the rest he worked his nads off.
  2. This. Was saying to the other half whilst stuck in traffic on the m60 yesterday that you can build houses but what about roads, rail, water,gas and electricity supply? Also food production. Its not just about 5% of land built on, but more reservoirs and treatment plants, wind farms and power stations etc. Authorities are increasingly strapped for suitable land and more building on flood plains etc doesn't help We've a population crisis rather than a housing one.
  3. You were so excited you posted it twice.
  4. A bit harsh, we defended brilliantly and limited to them to few chances. Henry was immense and me fondre was as good I've seen him; not from an attacking point of view but in leading the line. Worked Terry et al superbly and deserved man of the match.
  5. Where are you coming from?
  6. The 18 year who planted the bomb in Parsons Green found guilty. Cunt.
  7. Does it have a garage?
  8. I see there is an amber weather warning for snow stretching across the north midlands for tomorrow. Could be an interesting journey for them.
  9. Asa Hartford (hole in one)
  10. Good. Some positive signs in recent always; I'd like to see us carry on.
  11. They turned us over earlier, but are they actually that good? Should we be going with a genuine belief that victory is possible or keep tight and try for a point.
  12. His ability to debate and put a decent argument across was self evident. I've since seen him comment on something else (can't remember what) that I didn't agree with; but it made me think about what he said and develop a counter argument. This current Pillock just makes me want to thump him.
  13. He's a rat. Scurrying around for dirt and crumbs. I'm hoping that this re-engages the leadership debate and the labour party can get in someone who is plausible and can at least offer some sort of opposition. Wish he'd crawl away and start his own party and take momentum with him. Anyone remember Hilary Benn's speech? Whether you agree with his politics or not; he's someone you can at least respect.
  14. Aye. Seems manufacturing unaffected so its good news.
  15. Dead right. Especially given he's gone down the wormhole in the sky.
  16. Mick, I would imagine they already have been and will continue to be. Pretty sure all donations have to be available for scrutiny. Hopefully malc will be along soon with a definitive answer.
  17. Not heard that in a while. Shouldn't laugh but 'spaz' just cracked me up.
  18. Quite right frank I watched live when TM gave the first speech. Corbyn's response was pathetic. Even slapped down my some of his own. Anything reasonable he might have to say was lost.
  19. None. Parties are partly funded by folk from all over the place. A Russian donated £100000 (iirc) to the conservatives. This is a contribution not complete funding. A lot of controversy over the years has resulted in increasing checks being made on people funding parties. Not all Russians will be bad people and are at liberties to do as they wish with their money. Should they be found otherwise they would be stopped; more so once the latest action comes to fruition. If you choose to go down that route, then maybe check where some of corbyn's money comes from.
  20. Remember acdo? Buy local
  21. Have you seen the analysis reports or something? I'll presume not, therefore another example of a non fact. I'm happy enough to believe my government over theirs. We have sent a sample to the body that oversees these weapons for independent analysis. Moreover what should we do? I'm quite happy so far and to see what transpires in the coming weeks. Turkey sent a warning to the cunts in shooting down a Russian plane that entered its air space some while ago. Like a typical bully they reacted with a load of hot air, but having been given a bloody nose they soon shut the fuck up. Economic efforts are the best way forward as their economy isn't exactly a shining beacon of success; sooner or later when Russian folk get to see what a thieving cunt Putin is they may start the end of his reign.
  22. Seems a decent offer.
  23. Maybe RV has shown him the error of his ways.
  24. Did wonder. I can only guess that we perhaps knew but were prepared to tolerate and possibly feed them disinformation. Other than that it seems a little strange.
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