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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Tonge moor green jacket

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Everything posted by Tonge moor green jacket

  1. Iirc big sam signed him for Sunderland.
  2. Yes. Just a couple of hours after seeing the bloke I started coughing up brown shite- pretty much knew then a bacterial one had joined the party but when blood followed I thought hang on a bit- could be a bit dodgy this.Would like to commend the staff to all. They were brilliant. Oh and by the time I got home the dogs who hadn't been out or fed had ripped half the sofa to pieces. Bastards.
  3. That would be a seminal moment.
  4. Ultimately, it shouldnt matter who runs the trains; just as long as they're done professionally without ridiculous union influence or incompetent management. My main concern at the moment is that on the trains, privatisation doesn't really bring about choice. We're stuck with an operator for a while and can't simply change supplier like with gas or leccy. In fairness we have more issues than many because we were the first to create railways and now have high population density which increases costs.
  5. Felt proper spring like today. First time out since Friday morning. Lovely.
  6. Started with a cough last Thursday. Mon flu has ensued which culminated with an out of hours doc giving me codeine for ear infection (Monday ). Yesterday I started coughing up blood. NHS direct sent an ambulance, a few hours in a&e and told got a bad dose of the lurgy, which has perforated an ear drum and fucked my chest. I can confirm that severe tooth and ear ache are equally twattish, and that codeine works pretty well.
  7. Bought mine a few years ago; well worth it. Simarc property management was the company. They tried it on and tried to get money from me upon moving in that they weren't entitled to. My solicitor sorted them and told me they had form for such practices. As soon as I could I bought the freehold from them.
  8. Bingo. 100% agree. This counterargument that there's worse folk out there as parents is nonsensical. The two guys concerned might turn out to be great parents (though no one knows yet); but it's irrelevant. The only thing that matters in the kids welfare and being deprived of a mum is a great shame.
  9. I agree. Not entirely convinced by the adoption route, but if a good home can be given to a child then I can understand it.A surrogate baby though- nah not for me. Homosexutility is indeed perfectly natural, as is always pointed out. It is also perfectly natural that folk of the same sex cant conceive. No problem modernising to accommodate the sensitivities of folk, but not at the expense of possibly creating a difficult position for a youngster. The two guys may be very loving and decent, but that's not the point.
  10. More sense from Kent.
  11. Not ideal, though as they are monitored, I would assume that they don't get to live absolutely anywhere. Could be wrong.
  12. No fucker bothered when the luge chaps weren't getting top speeds. Indeed it was pointed out that their equipment was not as top notch as their opponents, but no British complaints. Some sour grapes. The equipment was inspected and passed for use.
  13. Hardly crime of the century
  14. Nice finish to the day.
  15. Sultanas and raisins are grapes. Vet was saying some dogs can be fucked over by just a couple. Others can eat a packet and be unaffected
  16. Ioc said it wouldn't pay the insurance costs etc for the Nhl players. The nhl said it wouldnt/couldnt afford to. What a mess.
  17. Seem to be changing the forecast regularly. Not looking like any snow now.
  18. So much of aid ends up in the pockets of crims and politicians. Sounds harush but I don't donate to these major charity days. Prefer to give to cancer research where results will benefit all eventually. As for the oxfam case; one chap from a different charity was explaining how they have to be vigilant as their work provides an entry point for deviants and paedos. He acknowledged that such not rights do target such organisations. Seems that it's a bigger issue than just a few folk emptying their sacks
  19. Borrowing has to be paid back with interest. Not keeping a bit of your income in reserve for tougher times is folly. With lower interest payments and unnecessary public spending, more would have been available for genuine needs like nhs etc. Everyone gets affected in one way or another, even if we don't know about it.
  20. Sadly not unique in this town. Some of the old pics of burnden crowds in the 50s and there's not a scrap of litter on the floor.
  21. Agreed. Does he have a son looking to follow in his footsteps
  22. Not buying that at all. A good man manager knows how best to motivate his players. Some of these guys would probably never have had a chance at that level again. Yes they may well have got beaten and maybe lost at Wigan, but they would have had more respect for the gaffer which would have been invaluable. Garty may well have said the league is priority but wouldn't have told megson how to achieve it.
  23. Haha, too civilised for me too (the haig- it's a whisky isn't it?)
  24. Stopping off at the slide through for a mcflurry isn't ideal though
  25. As someone who promised a move away from boom and bust economics he certainly did a good job of setting the country down that very path.
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