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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Tonge moor green jacket

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Everything posted by Tonge moor green jacket

  1. Aye, when teams attack us,we might react a bit quicker
  2. Should this go through, it may possibly hasten nl's tenure. They may want their own man, or demand a set up he won't accept. If we carry on as we are or there's little improvement then again they might get rid. The flip side is if performances improve then bigger clubs might come knocking. "Thai me a river"
  3. On last night's showing, folk were sending in a date that they'd like to go back to. 58 cup final for me
  4. What on earth possesses these people to start looking for shit like that. Still it is quite fascinating
  5. Went to the lad's parents evening the other night. Whilst he's doing really well, his spelling is not the best. Mentioned it, and the teaching assistant said not to worry. Some people find it easy to spell others never quite get it. Using the example of a relative of hers who is a high flier that can't spell. Also that most secondary school work is done on computers, so from next year his work will be autocorrected Now I get what she's saying, but it did seem as if it was at low priority
  6. The 'lasagne' song is shite. All this pretentious bullshity prematch love-in bollocks is annoying. Get out, warm up, do the toss and kick off.
  7. Get them serving in the kiosks instead of the numbnuts currently used.
  8. Would imagine that we'd achieve more success in improving their human rights by increasing trade, cultural changes will follow. Some security issues perhaps need sorting but I'm sure the government isn't going to leave us wide open. Like you say, there's a decent chance we'll be out of the EU soon, so maybe this is in their minds
  9. You've got my sympathy- sleep deprivation is a killer. Strangely though it does seem a lifetime ago now.
  10. Congratulations. Eddie. When he's made it big, he can buy the club and follow Mr Davies
  11. Off to the village tomorrow to pick grapes! It's alreet
  12. Kinell, wish I'd done forensic science or environmental chemistry. Did chemistry with polymer science- thought it would be good for job prospects. By the fuck it was tedious, too much maths!! A forensic scientist actually came into sixth form and said money was poor. Idiotic thing too say to impressionable teens who want to make millions.. Anyroad, quite agree that folks should be allowed to study courses that suit them, its just that the current system seems geared to getting folks believing they have to get a degree to succeed in life. Then when they do, reality dawns and the debt is in danger of not being paid. More apprenticeships needed and vocational options; and respect for those who chose this option.
  13. Hardly, Lancaster. That's what riled me. Toffs lead that lifestyle because they know no different. Rest pretending to be summat they're not. Just be yourself, your son/daughter has earned it! Sister in law went to Cambridge and earned her stripes. I saw no reason to ponce around with a few pounds of cut crystal
  14. Perhaps they are going slowly to allow the team to get in a more precarious position thus reducing the price further
  15. Didn't attend mine neither. Saw shit loads of pretentious fuckwits walking round with wicker baskets loaded with champagne flutes, whilst in my second year. Put me right off. Been to a couple since and they're right tedious events
  16. Saw a bit of the sky at night- apparently there's a meteor shower on the 21st
  17. Grew a load of this stuff this year. It was less juicy than normal, but mega intense. The smell wafts in as soon as you open the back door
  18. Makes the hair on back of my neck stand up. Also a bit glassy eyed.
  19. Both Phil Brown and Neil McDonald have turned down the chance to become assistant manager
  20. His non movement against Liverpool last year that let in sterling was unforgivable. Off the sub's bench and supposedly fresh. Complete waste for me
  21. Is ale allowed to dull the pain?
  22. That's being discussed on the qi thread
  23. Celery raw or cooked to oblivion in casseroles is good. Braised as a veg it's wank
  24. Remember a good thrashing of them on that plastic pitch. We made it look easy. Then played on it and realised how difficult it was. Slippery as took and shredded your skin. Terrible
  25. That's the whole point. Plenty of people not going to pay it back because they have their aspiarations unfairly raised. So who foots the bill? The tax payer! Fewer unis and places means less to spend initially. There are only so many positions available each year that genuinely require a degree. Once these are taken by people of the cailbre needed, they start to pay back by means of higher taxation. As it is too many people with nondescript qualifications will not earn the higher salaries, and will therefore not pay back the money. In some instances employers are having to introduce their own tests to differentiate between prospective candidates. I worked for quite a while at UMIST, and the average quality of student changed markedly in that time, as it became a game of numbers, bums on seats bringing in the dosh. Upshot was the lesser able folks who in all reality shouldn't have been there made it more difficult for the better ones.
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