Sadly Kent your first sentence is the primary factor for me. Slave labour and removal of passports- too serious to turn a blind eye to. Don't go and bring down Fifa in the process
I felt McNaughton did well when he came on. With vela in midfield ahead of him we were more solid defensively, and Vela's extra energy was pivotal in us getting the win
absolutely. That long range effort going through felgates hands,like a slow motion nightmare. The bus back was exceptional though. Reckon mansell was driving it
True. Get the elr going for commuters, could link up with that. Dunno how many folks from the Rossendale area you would want on public transport though...
still talking about reinstating the breach at little lever,was chatting to some canal society dudes recently,can't see it ever happening though, too expensive
Simple solution to this, score first in our home matches. We have conceded first in every home game since before boxing day. Usually manage to get something out of the game,having gone behind, but Leeds, wolves, and watford show its much more difficult to win that way
Zimbabwe made a decent go of that run chase. Got jipped with a batsman being given out on review, when there was no clear evidence to overturn the not out decision
No,my lad goes to the same school as the kids of the councillor that championed it, and nothing doing. Still he's trying to save face after not paying his council tax