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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Tonge moor green jacket

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Everything posted by Tonge moor green jacket

  1. casino's team with bannon in the middle. That's five loanees
  2. they've been talking on the cricket about big thunderstorms, you not had any?
  3. Would he pay five grand for a seat though
  4. Avast mi hearties. Installed and sorted. Cheers
  5. The anti virus software I got with my tablet will run out shortly. Having got Norton on my pc, I want to put it on the tablet too-paid for up to three devices. When I try to login via the tablet it just leaves me with a blank screen after saying loging in. Am I doing somert wrong, is the current anti virus software doing something, or is it fooked. Bloon doesnt work
  6. Once got sent to Germany to spend a week at one of the companies biggest suppliers. I was to stay in a little apartment on a vineyard. Knew that I was going to spend an evening with the MD of the company, though my german was shite. Took a wanderers scarf I had worn at wembley for the sherpa van final, and presented the chap with it. He was made up, wore it all night while we got pissed. Reckon I converted one Dresden resident to the cause
  7. Good win, though sometimes the batting was still a bit pedestrian. Net run rate could still play a part
  8. Massive push in India to get people to install and use toilets. Apparently more Indians openly defecate than any where else in the world
  9. Can we not claim Gandalf. Though he was born in Burnley
  10. came back over the tops earlier, think someone nicked winter hill
  11. Had a cracking bike around the Salmesbury area. Decent countryside, blew the cobwebs away
  12. Four nil to the whites. Boros keeper to get a red card early doors when legging up clough for a pen. Alf to covert and a procession to follow. Putin to be cought smashing merkels back doors in and Thiery Henri to anounce he is a cross dresser and turn up for his next sky punditry as Stephanie
  13. Think we have a number of gippers already. Nolan is slow now and hardly the midfield enforcer required to protect the defense. We had the best of him, reckon its time to move on now
  14. Putin concerns me hugely. That said, there is little doubt that there was encouragement from various places for an uprising in Ukraine, then the new government starts going on about banning folk from speaking Russian, when its the language of many in the east of the country. Gave Putin the perfect excuse to go in, and take his peoples minds off a poor economic situation in his own country.
  15. Is the team too exposed defensively when both clough and feeney play. Neither are the greatest defensively, and whilst we are shipping goals should we only play with one?
  16. He runs with the ball With style and grace When Zach Clough scores To put Dougie in his place
  17. agreed. Better Leicester lone
  18. dizzy and neck ache too by any chance?
  19. Understandably difficult I know, but would like to hear the dougie abuse converted into massive vocal support for the whites. Otherwise it may serve to boost their players. Hold it in reserve, get the right result, then vent spleens
  20. Difficult one. Perhaps it will be Hales' turn tonight
  21. Bolton school has some large rooms, dont know if they could accomodate that many though
  22. Great story, just hope he didn't do his hsmstring whilst getting the fuel
  23. seconded. A number of managers fitted the incompetent profile though, so rarely happened
  24. Took the money just over 3 years ago, put it towards setting up. It is an over generalisation to say best people are in private sector, though not totally incorrect. Speaking in my field, many moons ago people in the 'parks' were fully trained/qualified horticulturalists who did a good job and had a pride in their work. Some deadwood but same in any industry. Then came compulsory competetive tendering. Give the work to the cheapest bidder. An influx of poorly qualified, poorly paid, disinterested employees soon followed. Its a continuing cycle of cuts then investments depending upon who is in power.
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