Thoroughly pissed off now.
All too familiar. They like to pass it and move, but we don't play a single bloke who will put a foot in.
Hoped we may out-football them, but we're simply not good enough to do it anymore.
Whichever way you look at it, I reckon it's 4 at the back.
Not sure SS entirely fancies Matete- he let him go at Plymouth- but it's a total football line up.
Play them to death, then Matete and Lolos to shore it up and hit them on the break later.
Not read back, but in a way, they should be left to sort themselves out, unless a group opposed to Hamas etc can gather support and ask for help.
Until they do, then fuck em.
Leave them to it.
They won't get twatted if they keep themselves to themselves.
If they want to twat each other, then crack on.
Leicester were their own worst enemies.
A goal up, and in command, yet they were seemingly reluctant to really commit players forward when opportunity presented itself.
Instead took the easy option and played it backwards.
End up becoming comfortable with their lot, allowing utd to press and gradually wrestle back some impetus.
Should have been finished off before thoseast few minutes.
Is it heck.
That's precisely why Evatt got the chop.
As was pointed out previously, our record against the very top teams this season isn't that bad. We've just won at Huddersfield.
The problem we have had is consistency, and losing to teams throughout the leagues.
Not qualifying for the play offs would be disappointing. Just as it would have been under Evatt.
Certainly won't be putting loads of bums on seats if the season fades out in mediocrity.
He's pulled them out of the shit plenty of times this season.
The others I reckon may do a bit better with some quality behind them.
As others are saying, Evatt ball.
That's what I said in the second sentence.
If there isn't a great deal of improvement, then the new found enthusiasm will wane.
Not east to get back quickly, and some will want to see what happens in the summer, rather than immediately renew.
OK, SS may want to make some changes in the summer, but he has said he is happy with the squad- one of the things that attracted him to the job-so it's reasonable to expect some improvement in performances and results.
Hopefully, tomorrow will start to show the effect of the new regime on the players.
Not sure the numbers will be as high next season.
If we don't go up, then we will have to make a good fist of trying, and bring some players/positivity back