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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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C86 last won the day on December 15 2023

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  1. Yes. https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056800392-Most-Common-UK-ISP-s-and-How-to-Set-Up-eero-with-Them
  2. I have Amazon eero via TT. I have 1GB with TT, recently renewed and they sent me another eero router. I have 4 around the house but it's overkill, 2 would be enough. I got two extenders on Black Friday. WiFi is 6e so I'm getting faster via wifi than ethernet cables. Easiest wifi I've set up and I work in IT.
  3. C86


    Gmail takes two mins to set up.
  4. C86


    If I was to get back into photography then for mirrorless I'd be looking at the Nikon Z8 or DSLR, Nikon D850. Not cheap. Also, it depends how keen you want to get in to it. The lens aren't cheap too.
  5. C86


    We fly out to Alicante tomorrow first thing, weather looking ok too 😎
  6. C86

    Sky Glass

    I've got TT FFTP 960mb download and upload. £40 a month, Virgin called but know they cant match the upload speed. Also got a free Amazon Eero Pro 6 router, worth around £140, easiest set up I've had. I added two Eero 6 mesh extenders for £99 on a Prime Day deal. On Wifi I'm getting 900mb speeds, I've compeltely ditched ethernet cables. I have a Plex Server which I play stuff off and share with a mate who shares his. Streaming 4k content from each others servers.
  7. NHS rollout started today, I had a private one at ASDA this morning.
  8. Second season of Last King of the Cross started @bolty58
  9. Golden visa? If so it's being phased out.
  10. If you remote work and all your income is made from outside of Spain, Digital Nomad Visa. https://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/londres/en/ServiciosConsulares/Paginas/Consular/Digital-Nomad-Visa.aspx https://iasservices.org.uk/es/work/digital-nomad-visa/
  11. They aint coming down in price.
  12. C86

    Iptv With Mag Box

    Tried sending you a PM... Can you send me details?
  13. C86

    Barnsley Home

    I got 5G 30 mins out from landing in Munich a few weeks ago, lucky to get anything near the TS! I have another SIM now that does work at the TS and is just used when I'm at home matches.😁
  14. Forgot, I got these off Amazon and did help. Vertigo Komplex Natural Dizziness and Vertigo Tablets. From Germany, not that Germany LW.
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