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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Posts posted by tomski

  1. Well, according to the BN, Holden has not yet signed his contract, but he will do on his return.


    By the sounds of this then, he's currently not contracted to us so I don't understand why the US of A would be obliged to pay his wages..?

    Confusing as Freedman said he had signed a one year deal on same terms as his previous deal.
  2. As much as we may snigger, are they seriously saying they think a number of their staff aren't aware what is and isn't acceptable in society?

    Deary me.

    You would like to think that would be the case. Next year it will be a don't bite people letter.
  3. Tell me which branch and I'll go in and boo the fucking stupid cow myself.


    PS I was serious about buying them. My folks live in Benidorm and the extra 10% over bank rate would have been a nice touch.

    Its an 0845 job at Nat west, no problem if I find anything good Ill message you. Tried saying that was the price agreed to no avail.
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