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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Status Replies posted by paulhanley

  1. Hi Paul. Hope your well. Got a well known wanderer needing some help with a project. Looking to try and put you both in contact. It’s for a great project 

    1. paulhanley


      Just sent you a DM back, worked for me.

  2. Hi Paul. Got some cracking footage off sky the other day. It was the the show after our 2-2 draw with arsenal in fa cup in 1994. Filmed inside players lounge at burnden Park. Andy gray and Richard keys interview panel consisting of Andy Walker, Phil brown and frank Worthington. Start of show is brilliant as the Bolton fans in the audience all chap to “we’re the one and only wanderers” whole Richard keys is trying to quiet them down. 

    1. paulhanley


      Some of the stuff from the 70s that I've posted would have the copyright of tv stations. I guess one day I might be told to take it down!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Paul. Got some cracking footage off sky the other day. It was the the show after our 2-2 draw with arsenal in fa cup in 1994. Filmed inside players lounge at burnden Park. Andy gray and Richard keys interview panel consisting of Andy Walker, Phil brown and frank Worthington. Start of show is brilliant as the Bolton fans in the audience all chap to “we’re the one and only wanderers” whole Richard keys is trying to quiet them down. 

    1. paulhanley


      I remember that night very well! That whole season was brilliant as we made our way back in the second tier for the first time in a decade. Let's hope we have another season like that in the next few years at the same level! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi Paul. I’m going Rotherham Saturday. If your going wouldn’t mind buying you a pint for all those videos you have put on. 

    1. paulhanley


      He certainly didn't skip them all! He started in January 1986 and did them until January 1988. When I fully checked what I'd bought off him there were some missing games from that period but it was 80 per cent of the total plus a nice bonus of Bolton 1 Wigan 0 from 1984/5. I've since got hold of Wigan 1 Bolton 0 from the same season and Jimmy had Bolton 1 Rotherham 1 from the first day of 1985/6 (they filmed it because it was the 80th anniversary of Burnden). 

      A lad in New Zealand got a load of mine and sent me back full copies on DVD, which is much better for storage space. But I still have 86/7 on the original VHS tapes.

      Given that Granada covered some Bolton games in just about every season from the early 70s up to and including 82/3 that just leaves 83/4 as the one season in the modern era in which it seems impossible to find any Bolton game that was filmed.

      I loved Burnden too - but my favourite version was the one I first saw, from about 76-83, pre-Normid with the Embankment split in to three.

      All the best

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi Paul. I’m going Rotherham Saturday. If your going wouldn’t mind buying you a pint for all those videos you have put on. 

    1. paulhanley


      I got the 85-87 stuff job-lot off a bloke in Wigan who ran EasyVideo. He ran the firm that was the predecessor of Roadrunner. I had to pay £200 for them at the the time (this was about 2012) but I got copyright with it. I didn't have the technical skill to upload them to You Tube for ages but now I do so they've got to go on. No point in only me being able to see them. It's finding the time to do it that's the problem. 

      Yep - lets meet for a pint one of these fine days.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi Paul. I’m going Rotherham Saturday. If your going wouldn’t mind buying you a pint for all those videos you have put on. 

    1. paulhanley


      I live in Oxford so I've no chance. In fact I'm struggling to get to many games at all this season for all kinds of reasons, mostly linked to work. It would be good to do that one of these fine days though, for sure! 🙂

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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