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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Everything posted by Whizz

  1. Wouldn't get a visa now. Surely you know that Horwich.
  2. They get their photo taken with Stringfellow lookalikes.
  3. Obviously before dancing on ice days you gayrod.
  4. When my new phone arrived (new number), I phoned my mate who was having a few problems with a bird he had been knocking off. Pretending to be this birds dad, (who is a big fooker) I told my mate in no uncertain terms that he had best sort his differences with the young lady as she had just got back from the docs and was pregnant. A death threat included to spice it up a bit. Cracker at the time. He couldn't stop shaking for an hour after he found out it was a wind up.
  5. Also said he didn't want to be twinned with Bolton.
  6. Why? Just because he used to play for them? The same must apply for Newcastle, Everton, Middlesborough etc. God forbid we get in UEFA again, imagine how much fun we could have against Lazio.
  7. Cheers Traf. Hope this one is successful.
  8. Reet, my son is due to start school in September and the education authority have fooked up the application procedure and we didn't get offered a place. Basically, we applied with the school and they told us to wait for the education to get in touch. They should of sent us a priority form, to choose our 3 schools of choice. They didn't. We checked with the school and they told us that our registration had been sent to the authority, we checked with them and they had the details. Then as they never sent out the priority form we now get offered a school which is totally unpractical, and wouldn't of been in our first 6, never mind first 3. We have appealed against the decision and the offer. Just wondering, has anyone ever been in a similar situation with them? If so, what happened? I am not going to say sensible answers only, as that will never happen, but a bit of advice or help wouldn't go amiss on this one. Cheers.
  9. I currently live next door but 1 to my parents, they have broadband and I don't so at the moment I keep nipping round to use laptop. As this is short term and I am too tight to get the line rental etc, when I don't want a phone, I have been wondering, how can I pick up their signal? will them updating to fibre optic broadband allow this? Cheers!
  10. I can confirm that Crampo was one of the clique, even though he wasn't invited. Anything for free ale, eh! He also went to town then did one without saying so, leaving AMc on his own. Poof.
  11. Eggfookinzackerly. Speaking to people before stoke game, everyone said they would be happy with a draw. Not because stoke are reasonably strong at home, but because it is one of the games that we seem to not have three points on a chart back home. No effort apparant again, and we still had 10 men in the box, when 2-0 down with 10 mins left. The frustration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. One of the biggest misconceptions in football. How can playing good, attractive football be directly linked with bringing poor results? If these players are coached to play good football, and not just lump it, the results would come. Do we think these players got to the level they are by simply being athletes or are they good players who are just sh1t scared of making mistakes. Percentage football is killing the game.
  13. 12 I think.
  14. Pitch for the test match would of been prepared for months. It might have been rowlt and rowlt since the end of the 3rd test but the general preperation is alot longer than a few days. I played in a junior match on OT a few years ago, and 1 of the lads got a bolloking for making a big scuff on the test strip, and the test match was about 3 month later.
  15. I have come to the conclusion that football at the elite level is not a sport anymore. It is a product of a business, who's only real interest is money. Clubs like Bolton and Villa basically forfeitting games, to arguably give them a better chance in the league is not sport. And if Villa had gone to Moscow last night and stuffed them, would they not be raring to go again at weekend? I can't forgive for last season in Lisbon. I hope Villa fans are as p1ssed off as I was. But I am now understanding that this is the future of our national game. Tangiable rewards for fans and players means winning trophies and medals. Tangiable rewards for the clubs means money. Before the start of last season, Gartside told us that the uefa cup was not financially rewarding. I wonder why we ever entered it and I imagine a few ropey Villa fans are this morning. It's just not sport.
  16. Kearsley CC flag spotted last night, was basically behind the sightscreen so could only see it from camera at square leg. Some of the not reet's were spotted aswel.
  17. Just spoke to Ryan Hinds who was our pro at Kearsley last season. He isn't happy. Gets back into the test side and this farce happens. Says the ground was embarrassing and Kearsleys groundsperson could of done a better job.
  18. Ant and Dec? You don't know what it's like........... The same person Crampo?
  19. Was quite sympathetic with those striking in Lincolnshire, that was until I opened the paper and picture showed one of them wearing a Munich bob hat. Some things are more important than others.
  20. Was quite sensible til then. Alot more than I expected. I agree with HomerJay to a point, our players are not good enough to play free flowing football, but we can expect them to string passes together. We have made less successful passes than any other team this season. (apart from stoke, who just throw it in) And these players who you say are not good enough have been assembled by our manager.
  21. Why are all the people who don't want Megson as manager of OUR football club being ridiculed on here? If people are not happy with him, why should they not voice their opinion? I admit that some people are out of order and mindless, ie Give us a wave/Your a wanker. But what gives you the right to attempt to ridicule the fans who want him out, and have their valid reasons. Not all are idiots or Scum and Thick as some on here are trying to suggest. Answers without suggesting I am another idiot welcome.
  22. There are others out there Enzo.
  23. I don't care about a wave. He refers to the fans as "these lot" etc. If we were not so fooking apathetic about our managers opinion of us, and we were a bit like the Geordies then he would be out by now. He will be sacked one day. we are just prolonging the agony of having him in charge.
  24. Is this to the same fans he waved to when we were 2-0 up. Has he changed his opinion of them in 45 minutes? This is still one of my biggest problems with him. He doesn't associate himself to the club or the fans.
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