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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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A man with a speech impediment goes into a restaurant for a meal. The waiter approaches him and asks if he would like a starter. 'Oh yeth pleath, a thtarter would be thplendid. I'll have the thoup pleathe.' So off the waiter goes to get the soup.


After having the soup, the man then orders the steak and chips for his main course. He comments, after finishing his meal, that the dish was 'thplendid' and that he would like to order 'ith cream and jelly ath a thweet.'


Whilst awaiting his sweet to arrive, a wasp suddenly flies towards his table, and the man begins to attempt to swat it down. His attempts failing, he hides under the table until he hears the waiter appraoching his table with his sweet. Before he comes out form under the table, he says to the waiter, 'Ith that wasthpaway?'


The waiter replies, 'No sir, it's vanilla.'

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wasnt really that funny in the end!!     :D




What do you call a thick blonde









































A ginger..........

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