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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Speccy Cunts.

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Speccy cunts?


Alan Carr is a regular in the Champions League.

Alan Carr is king of speccy cunts. Gok Wan is quickly coming up behind :roll: though - although I suspect that Gok wears his bins as a fashion accessory, which is very cuntish

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I noticed Chuck Norris advertising some X-Box game or something, anyway...

Surely he's going grey/is grey now? If he's dying his hair - which he presumably is, then why choose to continue being a ginga swine? I wouldn't point this out to him to his face tho'.


If I let my (brown - definately brown) hair grow long it takes on a ginger hue, same happens if I grow a beard. Needless to say I keep my hair and stubble short.

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