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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Old Toys And Dvds


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Ive got a load of toys and DVDs that my 5 year no longer wants or has room for.


They're all in really good nick.


Where can I take them? I don't want to rock up at some charity shop and be turned away.





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Get them flogged then you can buy him something else with the proceeds.

I'll not be in a rush to give to a charity shop again till they teach their staff some manners.


we took some bags of stuff to Age Concern and it was like we'd shat on their doorstep.


the next lot went to Oxfam and the girls there were dead helpful carting the bags from the car and happy to receive our donations.

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I'll agree with Danny G, Derian House would be more than grateful and you know that loads of kids will benefit.


We won a Christmas hamper in a raffle and I felt guilty so I had it sent to them. Feck knows what they'll do with all that pasta but I did check beforehand that there was no booze in it.


Bloody methodist raffles!

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