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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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Watching the repeat The Daily Politics/PMQs on telly late last night...


I thought Milliband's cringeworthy use of 'hashtag' in a speech t'other month was a nadir for Westminster, then Cameron comes out with this scripted wanky shite...


“I know I've been the one on holiday in Ibiza...but they've been the ones taking policy-altering substances!"


I thought I was going to be sick. Some twat obviously saw Obama's speech t'other month with the (latest) of his 'hip' drug references and thought "I'll have some of that..."


Fucking c*nts to a man (or woman).


To think some deluded souls still prescribe to either of these showers of wankstains.

Posted (edited)

'Eye Bee Tha'.


And there was some frankly horrendous harridan, probably not much older than you or I, must dress in the dark - sat behind him grinning inanely when he said it..."like she knew the score - Bobby Moore!"


Like I said, I was distinctly nauseous...I know they have scriptwriter type folk - you have to question their (Cameron etc.) judgement in anything if they think 'down with it' quips like that are acceptable? (and Milliband with his 'hashtag', before anyone accuses me of being a 'socialist' again). Any right-minded person would tell them to fuck off and/or sack them, if presented with shite 'jokes' like that.

Edited by Youri McAnespie
Posted (edited)

Probably right








I dunno what that is as I've got pop-up/flash/media blocker on my browser...


I'm sick of going on news sites and videos starting up (and advert on other sites). I, primarily, want to read when I'm on the 'net, not watch.


Is it about Politicians wanking? If so, I may unblock - especially if Teresa May and that 'Socialist Whore' from t'other week are lezzing it up with a couple of strap-ons.



Edited by Youri McAnespie
Posted (edited)

Anybody got a photo of a bear having a poo in a woodland?


No, but I did come across this 'update' of the 'I fucking love cocaine' bear meme.




Which leads me to this one, I don't normally like 'wacky' pictures, but this raised a slight smile...




He doesn't look much of a coke man to be fair, more likely magic mushrooms or ketamine...

Edited by Youri McAnespie
  • 3 months later...

Prime Minister's Questions again...


Cameron (on Miliband and the Unions): "He told us it was going to be Raging Bull, he gave us Chicken Run."


I've a question Prime Minister, which boxer's life story was the film 'Raging Bull' based on?


What a f*cking c*nt.


Anyone who still has any faith in any Politicians would be minded to watch this weekly Pantomime, especially with scripted shite like the above and the subsequent fake guffawing and 'ear ear'. Utter wank.


it gets worse, the 'joke' wasn't even an original - he obviously thought it went down well before so he'd use it again!




 Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:46pm GMT

(Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron accused Scottish leader Alex Salmond on Friday of dithering over an independence referendum, mocking Salmond's performance as being more like the movie "Chicken Run" than Scottish nationalist epic "Braveheart".



He obviously isn't familiar with 'Raging Bull', but, has he even seen 'Chicken Run' either? Isn't it loosely based on 'The Great Escape'? Isn't it a tale about unlikely bravery and personal redemption in the sphere of battery chickens?


All cheeks from the same arse, however I would much rather have Cameron in charge than Miliband.

I wouldn't put miliband in charge of an asda checkout let alone the fuckin country!


I wouldn't put miliband in charge of an asda checkout let alone the fuckin country!


Free food for everyone, we can worry about paying it back some other time.

Posted (edited)

That would be working on the assumption The Labour Party want Miliband running the Country...


Sure, they'll talk a good game, but like all involved in Party Politics, Party comes first - and what's good for The Labour Party right now is to be in opposition.


We're going to have loads of crowd pleasing smoke and mirrors in the countdown to the next General Election, and for what? To end up with a choice between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.


Send a message to the c*nts, spoil your ballot, register your dissatisfaction, don't just think "They're both sets of wankers, I'll stay at home - that'll learn 'em!" because that's what they want you to do, be the silent majority, let them glide into power off the votes of the deluded and party loyal. Well don't, be the Unsilent majority, like this bloke...




That was a political broadcast by the 'Politicians are Complete Wankers' Initiative .

Edited by Youri McAnespie

That would be working on the assumption The Labour Party want Miliband running the Country...


Sure, they'll talk a good game, but like all involved in Party Politics, Party comes first - and what's good for The Labour Party right now is to be in opposition.


We're going to have loads of crowd pleasing smoke and mirrors in the countdown to the next General Election, and for what? To end up with a choice between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.


Send a message to the c*nts, spoil your ballot, register your dissatisfaction, don't just think "They're both sets of wankers, I'll stay at home - that'll learn 'em!" because that's what they want you to do, be the silent majority, let them glide into power off the votes of the deluded and party loyal. Well don't, be the Unsilent majority, like this bloke...




That was a political broadcast by the 'Politicians are Complete Wankers' Initiative .

Did he not get elected by the Labour Party?


Yeah, they voted him in as leader, but do you think even the most die-hard Labour acolyte really believes, in their heart of hearts, that he'll be Prime Minister? As long as he's a hole in his arse he's no chance of it...

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