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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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Does anyone use them?


Looking to lose a bit of body fat and looking at using them as a meal replacement option rather than an energy source for training.


My mate has recommended one that is slow energy release and he has just emailed me 4 pdf files with a shit load of diet plans to go with it. He is a personal trainer/strength and conditioning coach so knows his stuff and its all legal for an international athlete.


Just wondered what insights some of you lot have had with them. Diddles Barms don't need to be mentioned.


Does anyone use them?


Looking to lose a bit of body fat and looking at using them as a meal replacement option rather than an energy source for training.


My mate has recommended one that is slow energy release and he has just emailed me 4 pdf files with a shit load of diet plans to go with it. He is a personal trainer/strength and conditioning coach so knows his stuff and its all legal for an international athlete.


Just wondered what insights some of you lot have had with them. Diddles Barms don't need to be mentioned.



Plenty of protein in bacon,mind

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If I've done weights, I'll have a casein shake at bedtime. They thicken up and take hours to digest.


Immediately after weights, I have a whey shake. The banana 90+ I'm on at the moment is nice. You can also mix it into Greek yogurt to make an Angel Delight.


Also, rather than snack at work, I've got some protein oatmeal bars.


If I've done weights, I'll have a casein shake at bedtime. They thicken up and take hours to digest.


Immediately after weights, I have a whey shake. The banana 90+ I'm on at the moment is nice. You can also mix it into Greek yogurt to make an Angel Delight.


Also, rather than snack at work, I've got some protein oatmeal bars.

Bollocks, I reckon you gorge on £1 barms all day, every day


If I've done weights, I'll have a casein shake at bedtime. They thicken up and take hours to digest.


Immediately after weights, I have a whey shake. The banana 90+ I'm on at the moment is nice. You can also mix it into Greek yogurt to make an Angel Delight.


Also, rather than snack at work, I've got some protein oatmeal bars.

Casein is what my mate recommends. Only seems to come in sachets though. Not convinced yet.

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Loads of people do big tubs, mine's Optimum Nutrition that I got from Xercise4less on a 3 for 2.


Have a look on musclefinesse.com or there's a shop on Gt Moor St.


Don't bother with them as a meal replacement mate, always opt for proper food as your first call.


As said before, whey protein for after your weights session and casein at other times for a slow release of protein.


They aren't vital though, just use them as a supplement to what your already getting. They can be expensive so it's up to you if you want to be buying the stuff.


If you've no underlying medical issues and you eat a healthy, balanced diet, there is no need to take ANY supplements unless you're working at the level of an elite athlete.


Although you may argue that you are! :-)

Guest Frandsen08

I'd always reccomend against there are more positive and beneficial diets that will help,they just take a little longer but you will feel better for them. Feel free to drop me a pm anytime.


I'd always reccomend against there are more positive and beneficial diets that will help,they just take a little longer but you will feel better for them. Feel free to drop me a pm anytime.


Where have you been hiding anyway?

Guest Frandsen08

Where have you been hiding anyway?



Holiday,lost me phone and working away in that order


Without being sarcastic, just eat properly. It needn't be rocket science either. Given you're English you probably need to eat less carbohydrate, drink less alcohol and sugary drinks, eat more veg. You probably get too little protein, but that varies from person to person, depends how much meat is in your diet already.


And it sounds like you don't plan to exercise - you'll only achieve so much through diet. You need to get both right or you're pissing in the wind.

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