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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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cyclists rant:


it may just be me, but I always think that these cyclists who manage to film themselves being shouted at, knocked over, pushed etc - are dying for someone to kick off just so they can film it, and half the time antagonize folk with their arrogant cyclist superiority




this one:



from what i can see in the video, the guy is just crossing the road, she comes past giving it "please don't knock me off", then gives him the finger (according to the article) after he said "shut up", presumably because he had not intention of knocking her off


so he chases her and pushes her off for giving him shit


he shouldn't  have done that, but she didn't have to give him any shit in the first place by the looks of the video


anyway, he's gone to the police himself 



long story short, I think a lot, not all, cyclists are either too arrogant or not confident enough to be riding the streets, and this means they rub folk up the wrong way, and bring it on themselves


I know we've been here before


but shit like this winds me up


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There are about a billion miles of off road tracks and paths in Britain that are beautiful, quiet and would still allow grown men the opportunity to wear Lycra in public.


Why they have to block up the already crowded roads in their ridiculous fucking pelotons is beyond me.


I totally agree, Its the middle aged men who seem to be the worst offenders in my experience. Can't the cunts play golf or walking football instead? I swear they ride up and down sheephouse all day to try and get a reaction from drivers trying to go about their business.

7th September tour of Britain should be fun for those of us who have to use the A49.


Cycling allows middle-aged men who are past 'it' to convince themselves they still have 'it'.


Here's a note for them, It's the laws of gravity making you go fast, not your own efforts.


Some of them then go down the Triathlete route and start splashing about in the local pool too, in this instance they don't have the benefit of machinery to paper over the cracks, and it's a pitiful sight.


That video of the fat cockney bloke chasing a cyclist down the street and them falling over and smashing his face on the road is quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen.


My problem is with these folk that shove cyclists is that they wouldn't try it on with a big fucker.


i had a bit of a do with a middle aged bike cock a while ago. early one morning during rush hour in bradshaw i was turning right onto turton rd from rigby lane and as usual the traffic was queuing for miles so i had to go inbetween 2 cars that had left a gap for me then this canary was suddenly in my face shouting at me that i wasn't looking where i was going and i nearly knocked him off his bike, i pointed out to him that as he was traveling down the wrong side of the road he could fuck right off. that shut him up

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i had a bit of a do with a middle aged bike cock a while ago. early one morning during rush hour in bradshaw i was turning right onto turton rd from rigby lane and as usual the traffic was queuing for miles so i had to go inbetween 2 cars that had left a gap for me then this canary was suddenly in my face shouting at me that i wasn't looking where i was going and i nearly knocked him off his bike, i pointed out to him that as he was traveling down the wrong side of the road he could fuck right off. that shut him up



Bloody hell - used to work there. The birthplace of Rigby Transmissions, Rigby Engineering and Rigby Castings. Memories.

Posted (edited)

I'm a cyclist and you're all a bunch of tvvats :shiftyninja:

I must point thought out that it's 90% offroad cycling that I do, and only 10% putting up with clueless cunty car drivers. :thumbsup:

Edited by Burndens Bogs
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Cycling lanes should be lined each side with electrified fencing. Not to protect the Lycra clad fuckers but to box the arrogant bastards in.

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Have to say that I am a cyclist and commute most days/nights but mostly on track and along the river but really get pissed off with most other cyclists especially the bird faced, walnut scrotumed competitive type who dart through traffic and run red lights. And I agree the ones with helmet cams are looking for a reason to be confrontational. Also the ones who ride two or more abreast.


In fact I hate cyclists. Even myself.


Have to say that I am a cyclist and commute most days/nights but mostly on track and along the river but really get pissed off with most other cyclists especially the bird faced, walnut scrotumed competitive type who dart through traffic and run red lights. And I agree the ones with helmet cams are looking for a reason to be confrontational. Also the ones who ride two or more abreast.


In fact I hate cyclists. Even myself.

This is me.


I'm just a vile thug riding home from work.


Most women's brains struggle at mini roundabouts in as it is. Stick a cyclist next to them and its full on mental breakdown.


Came up behind 3 just before the Squirrel used to be as I came into Htown from Aggy the other night, cock end in cut off grey marls and trainers with what looked like his kids helmet on riding that far out in the road, looking back and waving cars to pass him over the double whites on the squirrel bend. Almost caused an accident when some nervous driver bottled it as a car came round the other way.


NB - Can you write Go Chris in multicoloured chalk or spray paint on the nearest hill for my nephew as the Tour comes past, ta.   ;)

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Have to say that I am a cyclist and commute most days/nights but mostly on track and along the river but really get pissed off with most other cyclists especially the bird faced, walnut scrotumed competitive type who dart through traffic and run red lights. And I agree the ones with helmet cams are looking for a reason to be confrontational. Also the ones who ride two or more abreast.


In fact I hate cyclists. Even myself.




if you're on the road, play by the rules


you can't run reds just because there's nowt coming


2 a breast is not even legal (i don't think, someone told me that once, so i believe it)


and for me, if you're not wearing both a helmet and a high vis jacket, you can fuck right off as you ain't taking it seriously yourself



NB - Can you write Go Chris in multicoloured chalk or spray paint on the nearest hill for my nephew as the Tour comes past, ta.   ;)

Don't even start me on the spray paint. Disrespectful cunts have made a right mess of Sheephouse the other week despite the signs put up beforehand! I might write a "move over, chris" sign done if you want though.

I love that eveything about that video. It couldn't have been scripted better by Oscar winning screenwriters


I love the way the bloke swears


I love the way the cyclist winds him up.


I love the way the cyclist does one down the pavement.


But most of all I love that fall -it's an elegant thing of beauty.


i'd imagine they don't upload the ones where they are causing issues...

That's true. I've seen lots of videos posted online by cyclists, including Jerermy Vine, showing supposedly inconsiderate motorists. They don't show the ones where they, themselves, are at fault. Although I did see one by Mr Vine himself where he was overtaking a taxi on the inside as it turned left and almost came to a sticky end and he still thought he was in the right.

Lots of cocks and plenty who adhere to the laws of the road, same as drivers really.


I've started doing a bit on the bike cause I've signed up to a ride for youngest new school, I still have a go at the dicks on bikes while I'm cycling.


Don't run red lights, keep to cycle lanes, be aware of traffic and get along.

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