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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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12 minutes ago, DazBob said:

Exactamundo. I've no idea why so many get so riled by something that doesn't affect them in the slightest.

Who gives a fuck what the do at the Brit Awards.

I didn't understand the pronoun thing, being a middle-aged middle-ish class white man, so I asked my 16 yo and she explained it.

I now sort of get it and don't see why Joe Bloggs would be irritated if I wanted to be referred to as they.

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51 minutes ago, Traf said:

I didn't understand the pronoun thing, being a middle-aged middle-ish class white man, so I asked my 16 yo and she explained it.

I now sort of get it and don't see why Joe Bloggs would be irritated if I wanted to be referred to as they.

I don't get it really as I've not has an issue with being referred to as a gay man.

But whether I get it or not, it doesn't affect me either way, so it doesn't bother me.


My understanding is that 'they' is the 3rd personal plural so if these people don't want to be referred to as 'he' or 'she' then the 3rd person singular alternative is 'it'

17 hours ago, DazBob said:

I don't get it really as I've not has an issue with being referred to as a gay man.

But whether I get it or not, it doesn't affect me either way, so it doesn't bother me.

Have I missed something here?


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Traf said:

Definite sign 😉

Funny he didn't flinch when I kept touching his bum. Nowt so queer as folk, eh?

Edited by DazBob
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On 23/11/2021 at 09:43, kent_white said:

I've never thought having male and female categories for music awards made much sense anyway. 

It's a bit like having a male and female version of a Nobel Prize - in that it makes no sense.

Next on the list for change, just for inclusivity, obviously, is the MOBO awards so white folks who are good at music and stuff can win one.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, MickyD said:

Next on the list for change, just for inclusivity, obviously, is the MOBO awards so white folks who are good at music and stuff can win one.

Sorry Micky, MOBO awards have had white nominees for years. Pretty sure Jess Glynne and Sam Smith have featured previously

The requirement is that Music is of Black Origin - Hip Hop, Soul, Rap etc.


Edit - Sam Smith won 4 in 2014  2014 Mobo

Edited by Gonk
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, tomski said:

Was wondering why he kept saying woo hoo after every sentence last night 

Big fan of Blur's 'Song 2'?

Who gives a genuine fuck?


Solely gammon.

Let the young get on with it.

The young usually are on the right side of history.

Apart from the Hitler Youth (apart from my Granddad - only in it a year, then SS).

It matters not a jot to most of us.

Edited by Youri McAnespie

Spoke about this before but I know numerous trans folk as well as a variety of different folk from the LBGT community. 

Non of them give a flying fuck what they are labeled as or the fuckin brit awards or even pronouns.

Its always people getting offended on their behalf, that offends them most. 

Just let everyone be and be what the fuck they want, shag who they want piss sitting down if they fancy it.

Just dont try and change the fundamental science the world is built and made from.

Just tailor life to how you want it to be.

3 minutes ago, gonzo said:

Spoke about this before but I know numerous trans folk as well as a variety of different folk from the LBGT community. 

Non of them give a flying fuck what they are labeled as or the fuckin brit awards or even pronouns.

Its always people getting offended on their behalf, that offends them most. 

Just let everyone be and be what the fuck they want, shag who they want piss sitting down if they fancy it.

Just dont try and change the fundamental science the world is built and made from.

Just tailor life to how you want it to be.

If to us daft stuff stops one kid topping therselves then fuck it.

Makes fuck all difference to me - normally everyone is mate as my mind is fecked.

It's culture wars - to fuck up the minds of good people and divide and conquer - meanwhile dipshit in chief makes us look a laughing stock mumbling about kermit and peppa pig, makes Trump look like Jefferson.

And Priti Patel - you ain't Thatcher.

She was horrible but had more brains in her left arsecheek.

  • 2 months later...
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On 22/11/2021 at 21:00, Zico said:

The Brits have scrapped gender categories 

No more best male or female 

At the request of Will Young and Sam Smith  

It will now be best artist 

If i was in charge id make sure only proper blokes won it here on in

amused me that following the Brits this week, the first I heard on the winners was on Radio5 where they went to the effort of breaking down how many woman won the various gender neutral awards

they genuinely led into the story with something along the lines of "women picked up awards in 6 of the 12 categories at this year's gender neutral brits"

fuck off

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