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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Bea Smith

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Posts posted by Bea Smith

  1. My dentist is a very pleasant. He also doesnt have stinky breath which is unusual for a dentist.

    I once saw a very cheesy low budget horror in which the dentist went mad and extracted all his love rivals teeth without aneasthetic.

    To be thats an effective way to put a bird of someone, he didnt look very attractive afterwards.

  2. while we were training the staff at work I had to chose some items for them to "sell", including one with age restriction.. A knife, bag of lime, tarpaulin rope and a shovel.. Not one member of staff realised...




    I managed to get a sofa off freecycle its pretty good but like all classifieds its open to abuse.


    Can i just say at this point that the staff at your place are complete nincompoops!

    Freecycle is largely un-moderated which leads to the type of post originally starting this thread.

    If youre not too arsed about getting money for old rope and cant be bothered selling/waiting, then its a fab site to offload unwanted items.

    I get an emailed update every day and some of them make me laugh. On the Wanted section the other day was a Big Black Cock.

  3. Its Gods way of telling me im vain for having been for a manicure.

    I would like to go and boot the back gate in as its that bugger thats given me the splinter.

    Im going with the cut the nail right down/soak in warm water/dig around option.

    Then i shall paint all my nails purple to match the spazzy one.


    P.S- Thankyou for the current H&S Laws on removing someones splinter. Im just wondering if i can sue myself when it all goes horribly wrong?

  4. Reet, ask them for a renewal offer in writing, then shop around (including obtaining a new quote online from your existing company), they always charge extra to those who automatically renew. and most sites offer additional discount for taking out a policy on line


    I was with privilege for 10 yrs and if the renewal was ?500, i would immediatly get a new quote from Privilege.com, it was always at least 15% cheaper, as I was in effect qualifying for a new customer discount.

    All it then took was a phone call to transfer over my NCB and it was sorted.


    Its the charge the bank have made to me for bouncing a payment the insurance company applied for without my knowledge that is fucking me off though danny. They even admitted they havnt sent a renewal qoute/form yet they have applied for the money.

  5. Dinner and Tea.

    But if im dining out with friends its Lunch instead of Dinner. 'Ladies That Dinner' just doesnt have the correct ring to it!

    I also say 'Dine out' rather a lot. As in 'shall we dine out tonight' as opposed to tea.

    So, being a typical woman, i say whatever i want when i want depending on my mood, and whether the meal is in or out.

    And because i can.

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