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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Youri McAnespie

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Status Updates posted by Youri McAnespie

  1. Buy a bloody beehive then!

  2. Communism for the USA - TODAY!

  3. I command that all Zwiec should be 15.5555% in accordance with the law of Slade.

  4. I know doctors, dentists and architects...

  5. In the winter it's cool, in the summer it's hot, but all the year 'round The Right Honourable Jeremy Corbyn MP is a lovely.

  6. Red-pilled and proud. Doge Weinerama 😂

  7. Up The Revolution! Power To The People! Smash The State! Freedom For Great Lever!

  8. Рабочий И Паразит

  9. Рабочий И Паразит

  10. I ain't be got no weapon!

  11. I be got no weapon...

  12. Time to go oh oh oh oh - fuck off!

  13. ...It is only in the North that life is ’real’ life, that the industrial work done in the North is the only ’real’ work, that the North is inhabited by ’real’ people, the South merely by rentiers and their parasites. The Northerner has ’grit’, he is grim, ’dour’, plucky, warm-hearted, and democratic; the Southerner is snobbish, effeminate, and lazy...

  14. ABLFC (hopefully not the scum tho')

  15. ABLFC (hopefully not the scum tho')

  16. And I'm a m-m-murderer...

  17. Buy a bloody beehive then!

  18. Communists - A Great Bunch of Lads.

  19. Communists - A Great Bunch of Lads.

  20. Communists - A Great Bunch of Lads.

  21. Communists - A Great bunch of Lads.

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