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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Bl5 white

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Everything posted by Bl5 white

  1. Quite a lot of 'young multticultural' folk nowadays who are still in school and there 17 etc, therefore most people think there same age, all because they couldn't speak a fucking word of english when they invaded sorry came over
  2. Tis a term referring to piecing ones skin with thou blade or bullet
  3. supercalifragilisticexpedalioucous I win,
  4. Can't stand the word reem. 'TOWIE' or anything else associated with that vain, over exaggerated bull shit. and lush, the feministist word ever and all this 'black gangster' talk, yes blad ill merk u if yo carry on reppin on ma turf bro, safe g
  5. Also a lot of the 'players' from the 'team' were from THAT culture @=)
  6. Apparently the 'team' in questions players, were spitting at people and sewaring etc. And if thats not enough to be kicked outta the league for, dont know what is
  7. http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/9309223.Junior_football____we_quit____shock/ Sorry if its already been posted, or if i'v posted the link wrong, few people i know got texts off there sons managers saying that they might not be able to play no more.
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