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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

royal white

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Everything posted by royal white

  1. Let’s not be quick to judge everyone, said Knob head might have been on a night shift .
  2. Fkin far right Brazilians over there now.
  3. Imagine this. Another thread were Cheese is consistently wrong. Who’d of thunk it
  4. So we should all just agree that none of it happens because you’ve worked in Muslim countries all of your adult life and never witnessed it?
  5. Not as odd as questioning if anyone had seen what they said they had when you have just admitted it happens within every community.
  6. You can answer my question if you want
  7. Why is it obvious? Are you suggesting all Muslims are brown?
  8. Are you saying they’re all clean and good drivers like us white people? And Why bring race into it?
  9. When does furlough start? Asking for a mate
  10. Cheese has never seen them do that so it doesn’t happen.
  11. Maybe the ones you encountered were all good drivers, didn’t spit and didn’t wipe their arse with their hands. How you would know all this though is what’s confusing.
  12. The yanks built a brand new shower/toilet block for the Iraqi soldiers in Iraq. One day it was up and every bog was smashed to bits. weirdos.
  13. You will probably see the majority of that around daubhill, Blackburn Rd, Deane and Bolton Market
  14. Spoiler alert. You don’t have to be black or brown to be a muslim.
  15. There’s seems to be a lot of inconsistency, especially with your nonce/paedo type sentences. You see some getting a few weeks and others over 10 years.
  16. What’s the odds this fella will turn into a mass murderer with mental health issues.
  17. Not sure if this is what @Anii was on about but my mate has just come back and recommended this https://gocity.com/new-york/en-us?utm_medium=search&utm_source=GoogleNYC&utm_adcampaigngroup=NYC&utm_campaign=GO-NYC-GGL-PPC-EUR-UK%2FEN-PRRM-CMP-COMP-LYAU-NSA [KWS]&matchtype=b&utm_term=new york pass&utm_creative=675178714719&addisttype=g&KPID=go_cmp-12090149719_adg-119165332009_ad-675178714719_kwd-55205751_dev-m_ext-_prd-&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-eKpBhAbEiwAqFL0mh5irjeSfNhfz5SUZ0SFoClqJCkTpmjAckzJ6QIPkKtCXrGLtXimHhoCYlcQAvD_BwE
  18. I’m going at the end of Jan, I’ll be needing my big coat
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