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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Everything posted by gonzo

  1. youtube removed it i think...
  2. we didnt actually get beat yesterday...
  3. where do you stand on horse radish?
  4. 16 correct...you win a beef sandwich.... next game..... how long can you not blink for? 2 minutes 12 seconds myself....
  5. bet you cant guess what number between 1 and 20 in thinking of?
  6. ronnie irani is a penguin.....
  7. is that mon off gladiators in it?
  8. im doin 14 coaches for derby next year mate...you fancy it?.... just plussed this danish number....is there any tits in it?
  9. tag team a lass with your dad??
  10. loads of satsumas round here are booking cheap rail fares and hotels for wembley..... remember they put ticket details and directions to wembley in their match day programe before their second leg play off against bradford,kammy gave every player a copy,they went on to overturn a 2-0 deficit.....
  11. not entirely true Mr Hartley ..... i did well in my gcse (o-levels to you) and then halfway through my A-levels decided it simply wasnt for me,i hated it,and couldnt face another 5 years with my head in the books....plus if i worked in the week i didnt have to work weekends,therefore i could watch the whites! and to be honest apart form the lulls in business,due to recession etc,it was the best thing i ever did,now ive got my own business and its doing well,even in this shite climate....touch wood of course. theres money in graft,you have just got graft to get it....
  12. im a manual worker... for me it depends entirely on the specific job im on.... for instance the other week i had a jumbo studded wall to build,with all little corridors running off it and then board,after the first day setting it all out and erecting 25+ meter studwork in an aircraft hanger sized room,where the thing has to be plumb straight to the millimeter and studs set out precisely to take the load of the wall/edge of board,then to set out 4 door openings and 4 corridors,which have to be set to disabled regs etc,all worked off a tiny drawing...my mind was twatted! i couldnt sleep all night,i didnt even come on here!..... but the next few days were boarding the wall,which is pretty extreme graft,humping 3 meter fire boards up scaffolding and screwing them to the studs,to be honest a fucking monkey could do that,albeit a monkey that had a scaffold tag and cscs card....but after them days i was right as rain,although shattered,i posted bollocks on here,had a few tins and slept like a baby... . my brother has a window cleaning buisness,who is also training to be an accountant and does one day a week placement in an accounts office in lytham,he says that one day in the office tires him more than the other 5 days climbing up and down 3 story hotels in the wind and rain on blackpool prom.... i take my hat off to you office jockeys...theres not a chance in hell i could sit in office all day,id end up shooting everyone i think... must be ace working around women in tights all day though....
  13. the best ever....my youth,xx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1qEJCUE3TM
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOz3iP19EH4&feature=related
  15. no balls...starships is the bollocks!...woopdy de loopdy woop.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wzq6xzITnI
  16. any cunt called ched should be jailed for 5 years minimum anyway.
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