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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Whitestar last won the day on December 1 2018

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  1. LOL, Went to a boxing night a bit back, 1st bout on was some young uns maybe 13-14. 1st lad in mixed race lad, dreadlocks, tassels on the trunks & boots back flip into the rig over the ropes all his mates there and a lot of girls. Other kid looks like he's never seen a boxing ring in his life and looks scared to death. Bell goes , left-left, bang. I went to the bar whilst they helped dreadlocks out of the ring.
  2. Diego from Costa coffee couldn't do a worse job than vic
  3. So, would that work the other way around?? Could we bring in a non league striker??
  4. Could Santos play up front?? I'm not having it that there is not one other person with professional footballer in their job title , at this football club that couldn't do a better job as a striker than Victor Abracadabra.
  5. And Gino Dicampo got 2 years for scamming Paul Young??
  6. Oh well, nothing has changed.
  7. The failure to get a striker in is really gonna cost us this season.
  8. So they go round their mothers gaff for Sunday dinner, young un sez , well i play for the premier league champions and regularly get on even if its as a sub. The older brother sez, well i play for a 3rd tier team and regular get on as a sub OR the crowd hope i am subbed. The mother sez, never mind hows them roasties?
  9. You'll have a bad head in the morning kidda, Tea n toast & 2 paracetamol+2 Ibuprofen
  10. Be careful, be very careful. So easy to slip back into the 80s. Only need to lose the play off target this season and wipe 5-6 K off the crowd. Season tix well down for next year and we're off to a bummer, seen it for years & years & its depressing. This is our time!!! Do an Oxford & we'll be reet for years to come.
  11. The "Air shot clearance" at Arsenal??? Shudder 😲
  12. Did Tony Henry play? Or David Cross?
  13. Wait till its well over and announce some big names that we tried sign but couldn't quite get it over the line. Love a cliché.
  14. PMSL, i just snotted my brew out
  15. Or the thick tw*ts that pick the orders for Asda online shopping. " We have replaced your oak aged Californian Zinfandel with a blossom hill rosé, we're sure its very similar".
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