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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

One Rule For One...............

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that interview is brilliant, shows her true colours.. (no pun intended)


imo racism is any way that unessentially differentiates people due to race, prime example being "West Indian Mums will go to the wall for their kids",

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people are quick to condemn both her and suarez ,i can see for my own eyes what she has said , plus she has admitted it , what suarez has alledgedly said still has to be proved even tho he has been punished ,id say one of em is a racist but which ?


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people are quick to condemn both her and suarez ,i can see for my own eyes what she has said , plus she has admitted it , what suarez has alledgedly said still has to be proved even tho he has been punished ,id say one of em is a racist but which ?


Suarez has admitted it though.


It's in the report.

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No it doesn't, so everyone on here who defended Suarez should defend Abbott, what's the diference? Apart from her being black... oh.. I see..


whereas someone defending her but criticising suarez. whats the difference?

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whereas someone defending her but criticising suarez. whats the difference?


I'm not defending either of them if that's what you mean


Just pointing out that those that are defending Suarez's right to free speech should also be defending Abbotts, all I'm getting is tumbleweed...

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I'm not defending either of them if that's what you mean


Just pointing out that those that are defending Suarez's right to free speech should also be defending Abbotts, all I'm getting is tumbleweed...


No mate just saying there is a ying to your yang


she is a politican posting something on a public form, he is a sportsman who said something that he would never have thought would get reported, if anything she is worse.

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The problem is with the phrase "racist". To my mind that implies someone who has sat back, applied some thought to it and come to the decision that colour or lineage actually by definition defines a person.

First off, that's quite different to "racist" language that can offend; but are we saying that mere utterance of something defines someone's true, thought through, opinion? Of course that mere utterance could be unacceptable - hence that highly paid pillock Suarez deserves all that comes to him. But that's light years away from defining his true character.

Consider three people: Suarez, Mr. Muslimic Rayguns from the EDL and Diane Abbott.

The first has said summat in the heat of the moment and has rightly been punished. Is he truly racist? Who knows, though as I say what he did deserves the punishment.

Mr. Raygun - well the video suggests he's incapable of independent thought and so I think we can safely say he's not debated the issue with anyone, including his own brain. No consolation to some poor cunt on the wrong end of his rants mind you; but nevertheless its hard to glean the extent of his true feelings should they ever be teased out from his mangled mind.

Abbott - smart woman who has every opportunity for analysis at her disposal, and yet has a career that hinges on playing a race card and who has on a number of occassions uttered statements that suggest her true feelings.

If you want to label everyone who has ever uttered anything innappropriate a "racist" then so be it...that becomes our definition of the word.

But if we're going to save that word for people with more carefully thought through, deeply held and researched beliefs, then out of the above 3 there's only one winner.

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The problem is with the phrase "racist". To my mind that implies someone who has sat back, applied some thought to it and come to the decision that colour or lineage actually by definition defines a person.

First off, that's quite different to "racist" language that can offend; but are we saying that mere utterance of something defines someone's true, thought through, opinion? Of course that mere utterance could be unacceptable - hence that highly paid pillock Suarez deserves all that comes to him. But that's light years away from defining his true character.

Consider three people: Suarez, Mr. Muslimic Rayguns from the EDL and Diane Abbott.

The first has said summat in the heat of the moment and has rightly been punished. Is he truly racist? Who knows, though as I say what he did deserves the punishment.

Mr. Raygun - well the video suggests he's incapable of independent thought and so I think we can safely say he's not debated the issue with anyone, including his own brain. No consolation to some poor cunt on the wrong end of his rants mind you; but nevertheless its hard to glean the extent of his true feelings should they ever be teased out from his mangled mind.

Abbott - smart woman who has every opportunity for analysis at her disposal, and yet has a career that hinges on playing a race card and who has on a number of occassions uttered statements that suggest her true feelings.

If you want to label everyone who has ever uttered anything innappropriate a "racist" then so be it...that becomes our definition of the word.

But if we're going to save that word for people with more carefully thought through, deeply held and researched beliefs, then out of the above 3 there's only one winner.


Can you put this post in picture form for the likes of people like me who struggle with long sentences ?

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