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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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jimmyjoojar last won the day on August 15 2018

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  1. It is indeed wank with a capital W. Worse still the absolute bizz ending đź’©đź’©đź’©
  2. It’s a firm “fuck off” from me…
  3. Brown Samba & Green Gazelle’s… that’s it for me.
  4. Photos from @the_fat_bandit on instagram. Slim pickings if you ask me.
  5. @lamblamb I’m looking at signing up to something along the lines of this. Given the feedback the lads have shared on here how would I go about sourcing your services for myself and my aging father. Two firesticks 4k max enough to start with?
  6. I stopped buying shirts years ago, but I’d plump for the digitised Home and the Purple Aki Away.
  7. The Burnden are so shite even in the sales I’d not bother. Aspen is a cunt!!! All he had to do was turn out another blue suede jobbie and we’d have been happy enough. Powerphase, white leather, fuck off. Winterhill are a miles better purchase
  8. Shite…. Of the SNS GT series the Paris were the only pair worth getting excited about.
  9. Probably being noshed off by his pet boi Royal White…… 🎣
  10. You must shagging some serious birds then?
  11. Apparently that’s one of the top 10 funeral songs. Decent tune mind.
  12. Secret Smile by Semisonic, circa 1998 https://youtu.be/lDx24xwca7Q
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