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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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Zulu last won the day on July 19 2013

Zulu had the most liked content!


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  1. I’m pleased for you. I really am. That doesn’t change the situation. There are still some Labour Party members and supporters who would like to see Corbyn in charge. Surely you’re not denying that? I am keeping up with your huge majority. But, thanks anyway.
  2. There are some members of the Labour Party who would still like to see Jeremy Corbyn in charge with Diane Abbot as his number two. But here we are. 🙂
  3. So, why are you asking me then? Is it just because you are a gobshite, or something more intellectual?
  4. And maybe I won’t. My voting intentions have got nothing to do with you Ginger. Just console yourself in the knowledge that I’ll be ticking the right box for me. You should try it. 😉
  5. Not me son. 👍
  6. It takes a cunt to know a cunt. Cheesy has turned cuntishness into an art form. I tolerate him. Peace. ✌️
  7. 💋
  8. I haven’t got a clue. I don’t support Reform. You fucking helmet.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/reel/648102874324552
  10. I'm surprised that a wank didn't work. It must be bad.
  11. Fucking hell. That’s dire. Would you give her a job in your accounts department? Thick as mince. 🤣
  12. Have any of you filthy animals ever visited Tbilisi, Georgia? What’s it like? Any good? Do’s and Don’ts etc? I’ve just been informed that I am going to a wedding there. 👍
  13. It’s not about party politics. It really isn’t.
  14. Zulu

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