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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Them Refugee Camps In Calais

no balls

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Scum? Not sure anyone's saying that but they shouldn't be allowed to stay in this country. Malcolm's post shows even the law says shouldn't be so yes, send the buggers back.  Swathy, blonde, tall, short, if you're coming over here from the continent you are no longer in the category of fleeing a warzone, you're an economic migrant.

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It's old ground revisited and confirms that there's folk who feel their way of life being threatened by people who were living in 'houses' made of pallets, and folk who don't (feel threatened).


That there's people who're relinquishing to old age and curmudgeonly ways, meithering about stuff they wouldn't have give a shiny shite about ten years ago, and folk who aren't.


I'm happy to be in the latter camp, if I didn't accidentally see the news yesterday (or come on here) I wouldn't have even been aware of it (the camps in Calais) - Ignorance is bliss.



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The way I look at it and as hypocritcal as it is...I'm out of here once I've retired...however I will have enough income to support myself and will integrate into what whatever country I choose to move to for a improved quality of life...


hopefully the daughter will follow suit....


Because I dont want my grandkids here....


I dread to think what sort of third world shithole we will have allowed by that point...


All you fuckers with heads in the sand and a "oh it will be alright attitude" sure your grandkids will thankyou for it.....

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If you were them, where would you go?  You'd go to the place where you'll be treated best wouldn't you?  I certainly would.


I'm not saying it's right and that we should open the gates and let them in with open arms, but fuck me, the way they're ALL being spoken about you'd think they're the scum of the earth.


i dont see anything the majority of these mainly male people can bring....we have enough car washes, fast food outlets, pedophiles, drug gangs and pickpockets already...

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I heard the report on R5 yesterday, they wanted to come here because we give them a roof over their head and support straight away but in France they have to wait 4 months for the basics. Also, many have a basic grasp of English but not French.


English is taught throughout school life. French is taught from age 11. Most well educated Syrians speak both well.

President Assad was recalled to Syria in 1994 when his elder brother was killed in a car crash. Before that he was an eye doctor in, erm, London.

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If I had children or grandchildren and, presumably in spite of having a leg-up in life from their predecessors, they chose to live among scumbags of all hues and origins then that'd be their problem...


People move around, it's just the way things are, always have been, since we staggered out of The Rift Valley, up until most of our immediate ancestors trotted from the bogs of Ireland,the fields and valleys of Europe or crofter's cottages in the arse end of nowhere - mainly to take part in the Industrial Revolution.


All these folk claiming the UK will be a 'third world shithole' in twenty, fifty years, well, they can't have been in many third world shitholes if they think that.


Strangely enough, most third world shitholes have the 'I'm alright Jack' attitude to the less fortunate.


I'd rather be part of a nation that has a flawed system that allows piss-takers than basket-case 'emerging' nations like India or Mexico - where billionaires live cheeks by jowl with kids ekeing out a living on rubbish tips or underpasses.


In all my years I've never received a 'scrounger clampdown rebate' or a 'we've sent some buggers back Brucie bonus' - nor have I ever been refused a doctor's appointment when I've had the sniffles...Perhaps I've just had my head in the sand though.

Edited by Youri McAnespie
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Strangely enough, most third world shitholes have the 'I'm alright Jack' attitude to the less fortunate.


I'd rather be part of a nation that has a flawed system that allows piss-takers than basket-case 'emerging' nations like India or Mexico - where billionaires live cheeks by jowl with kids ekeing out a living on rubbish tips or underpasses.

  I work in 'emerging countries' so probably have a "less skewed view" and I think it unfair to tar all rich folk with such a brush.  There's many foundations over in 3rd world countries set up by rich business people as well as ones set up by businesses over here with factories there. I see no reason for their poor to come over here & those living in such poverty are not the ones trying to get over here so your point is moot anyway.

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I apologise to the philanthropic millionaires overseas, in the unlikely event they read this forum. It smacks of double-standards however, you're tarring everyone in those camps with the inferrence they're keen to gain entry to the UK to take advantage of our system - making the point they should settle in the first safe place they happen upon, and if not, why not? I jokingly made the point about Jewish Europeans fleeing the Third Reich settling in Switzerland and Norfolk, although it was made in jest it had a truth behind it - people fleeing warzones and/or persecution usually try and reach the place they believe they can pick up and start some semblance of a normal life, especially if the conflict in the area they originate looks like having no signs of abating. This may be anywhere in the World, this is why it's called a diaspora. If these Syrians were in a typhus ridden tent city in Turkey, dying like flies, that'd be OK? They were at least safe from bullets and bombs, in't it a shame, oh well, compassion fatigue and all that...


As others have said a big part of what makes our nation great is our willingness to not turn our backs on those who may be in genuine need, if that allows some to abuse our collective good-heartedness then that's an upalatable by-product we have to tolerate.


I've said it before, folk living in pallets and carrying all their belongings in a carrier bag don't pose much threat to my way of life, I don't know why anyone else would see them as a threat,

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Someone already stated they get no assistance in France for four months, we're better than France in this respect, we wouldn't see folk living in scabies-infested dens, or see the solution as demolishing said dens...


Rather than denigrating our nation as a 'soft touch' and tacitly praising the french for their approach, we should be proud of the fact folk want to reach our shores and we're willing to accept them.


You'd have to be mental to want to live in France longer than a holiday's worth. :)

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