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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

Tonge moor green jacket

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Everything posted by Tonge moor green jacket

  1. Some bad evidence behind that drone strike. Kinell, water bottles mistaken for explosives or some such.
  2. No doubt mistakes made, and these will come out during the inquiry. As has been discussed at length on here though, there are loads of reasons that affect numbers of cases etc. One of those reasons is people, and their attitude to government control. Seems generally less acceptable here than in most other places.
  3. Not entirely true. But largely. Some figure put out early on was around around 6-8% reduction in risk of catching it by the wearer. Dunno if that's changed since. Each to their own, but I reckon that's quite a decent benefit, so in certain situations I wear one.
  4. Fair point Micky, but early season crowds have been very good for us without cheaper tickets. We're also division 3 too.
  5. Would you say that to Evatt's face?😁 "Oy, Ian- you neg head, why were you demanding more end product from him?"
  6. Are you suggesting his dog might be a bit gay?
  7. Wednesday's figures were higher than Tuesday's. Numbers have been around the 30000 mark for a while. Winter to come. Fingers crossed time.
  8. I've just put Google lens on that fella and it image matched him to an angry gorilla!
  9. Perhaps not, but is it still longer than infection acquired resistance? Remember: to get the infection resistance you also have a much higher risk of a more serious illness or ongoing problems. I have a s-i-l and niece who have both had it. The illness wasn't too bad for either, but both have had long covid symptoms, the young un suffering weakness and tiredness. Not what she needed in gcse year. The potential impact on study is huge. We've already seen it just because of isolations let alone ongoing suffering. This is where the jcvi reached the limits of their scope and admitted that they weren't in a position to make a determination on education impacts. Hence whitty et al doing just that.
  10. Oh and fish too, including oily fish. Been down to the fish market around Christmas time and got a load of salmon heads and trimmings. They love them.
  11. Most frozen ones are a single or combined meat. Plenty are what's called 80:10:10 80% meat, 10% offal and 10% bone. Also The odd bone from the butchers to gnaw on- good for them and helps with keeping them calm and not bored- chewing apparently releases beneficial hormones. Lamb ribs or big beef ribs are good as they can actually chew them up. Just be careful initially as he's still a pup. Loads of places now stock the raw foods, and you can get it delivered too. Just stocked up today for mine. The had a deer leg each as a treat.
  12. Stick with that for feed. Cheaper and better for them. Mine have a diet based on minced raw meat with bone in it and veg. Usually cook it up together, but also just cook veg and mix it with raw meat. Better for digestion, less waste/reduced turd odour, great coat, no doggy smell, and teeth with a younger appearance than actual age.
  13. 3 places above us, with a dodgy board. Every bugger else's players too.
  14. https://www.statelessness.eu/updates/blog/shamima-begum-supreme-court-judgment-what-are-implications-statelessness-cases Much in here, the Bangladesh business is a bit of a red herring. That said, she conducted her business over seas, so perhaps we should leave the kurds to do their worst.
  15. Why? Surely a more positive approach from everyone is the way forward. A bit like football ventures have introduced into our club.
  16. Pity she's been moved. Doing well there. Remainer or not, funny what can happen when folk accept a vote and get on with the job of making the future better. But no, slag her off for working and trying to get on.
  17. How long do those post infection antibodies last? A lot of information in the early stages of vaccines development, about how vaccines would give a longer lasting protection than that acquired by being infected. Additionally, even youngsters who weren't overly ill, are still finding post infection issues. Just have it.
  18. Get them done. It's been deemed safe, so no issues. Lad's started sixth form, obviously some concern that a boom in cases means he may end up missing some time. He's fully jabbed but not many will be.
  19. I very much doubt the legal system there allows an individual to be stripped of their citizenship for such an offence. It is a very exceptional circumstance that allows it- even Begum's had to be accurately considered and has passed a court challenge. So unless there is evidence to the contrary your theoretical situation is just that and not applicable.
  20. Maybe that's what she's after- the jab! Then a home, benefits, compensation..
  21. Imagine she's got a vag like a redundant wind sock.
  22. It's shit. The odd bit of reasonable behaviour from the presenters, but it's largely a provocation programme. Pot stirring no marks.
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