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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021


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bgoefc last won the day on March 9 2017

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  1. Hey Bolty. I seldom visit this forum but came across a post you made about having a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy to cure your smoking?

    Did it work? And if you had it done in Blighty how much? I found Spire Hospitals do it for just over £2.5k which did not seem bad to me.

    Hope ure are enjoying your retirement in Espana.





    1. bolty58


      Hi mate. No, it was to cure snoring mate, not smoking!

      Had it done here in Oz. Yep, about $5,000 aussie dollars which is not far off 2.5K UKP. I got half back through my private health insurance.

      Nasty op when you are not a kid mate. Lose loads of blood. Took about 2 weeks to heal. I was just on Weetabix slush for food for a fortnight so the weight fell off! The really shit part is the burnt taste permanently in your mouth for days after they have completed the laser cauterisation process. Mouth tastes like an ashtray for 2 weeks!

      Cured my snoring though!

      All the best mate,


    2. bgoefc


      Cheers Pete, I wrote snoring but bloody auto insertion intervened.

      Take care and thanks for the info.



  2. For someone who sports the name "Manc" in his username it is incredible how you can write so much that is wrong! As someone else has said, your ignorance of the Middle East Countries is laid bare in your post. No doubt your hatred is borne out of many years living in those Arab countries you despise? Yes, I from time to time check in on my old adversaries so after a wine or two I felt I must retort to the "Lefties" and "Pinkies" on the forum, who seem to have grown in number over the past few years, on the subject of Arab ownership of football clubs (and especially City)! The areas around the Etihad are continually improving! Sheik Mansour has invested heavily and as a result the corridor and canal infrastructure from the stadia and sports complex into the city has been turned from desolation into fantastic developments and opportunities for the building trades and businesses that follow on. The regeneration in a decade is staggering and it continues to expand gradually outward! Yet "Manc" expects the Arabs to wave a magic wand over the adjacent "utter shit holes" he names! Why? Surely Burnham and his cronies could help by approving the planned tram extension into the area rather than continually blocking it? Manc like his cohorts on here, ....the student unionist London Wanderer, Crawley and their lefty brethren on WW follow the media narrative of writers such as Delaney and Harris who believe that the only good Arabs are those nice wooly Palestinians!.....the sort everyone in the West has to feel sorry for! As for Saudi, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Kuwait etc..... it seems they are the wrong sort of middle east brown people!!!!! "Blimey, God forbid! How dare Sheik Mansour have personal wealth!!!! Thats not on! Because its "STATE OWNED" as they all cry....... the Guardian told me so." But even if it is....so fucking what!!! These City haters go on to say.. "They should adopt our Western values and culture before owning our football clubs". So perhaps they should start a war or invade another country on a false pretext and be like us before having the temerity to invest billions of £ into East Manchester! The Arab haters also insinuate ....."Far better to have Yanks borrowing billions and buying out clubs than those Arabs with new money upsetting the status quo of the traditional big money clubs!" Do you lot all not realise how colonial you all sound? Times move on! Rich Arabs from various countries want to invest into the UK and all they get is insulting disguised racist tropes from left wing journalists and their blind followers! Needless to say if these same awful Arabs had turned Burden Park and the adjacent Croal River valley into what is now New East Manchester and the thousands of jobs created then the Pinkies and hand wringing Lefties on here would not have uttered a word! Toodle Pip for another year or two!!!
  3. Bolty my mate! I admire your persistence, but these lot are not the Bolton lads we used to know and love! They are soft, talk like women about their mental issues and all that they are lacking is a monthly excuse if you know what I mean......perhaps they now do bleed...would not surprise me!.

    The club and their modern fans as plainly seen by these reposts belong to the "Fever Pitch" type! Let em get on with being the virtuous knee bending signallers they aspire to!

    I my self these days follow Pep and his amazing coaching which has transformed the EPL! Love his football but have to put up with the left wing colonialists  on here and elsewhere who would dictate to Arabs how to change their 2000 year culture before transforming large swathes of East Manchester where no Labour or Conservative government gave a toss about.....but they are the bad guys USA venture capitalists are the hero's!

    Unlike you I have given up on BWFC and Bolton. It is now a different place and club and fanbase to what we knew! They grow more pathetic every day!  I never thought I would see the day when these fanny's would hold the sway.... but there you go!

    Enjoy your retirement....not worked myself for 12 years since 50 year old and now enjoying a great retirement.....do not let the wet wankers wear you down....forget em and enjoy Spain!


    1. bolty58


      Cheers mate. Nice to hear from you. Common sense like yours is missed around these parts!

      I'll be giving it to em, I assure you. Got close to binning it a while back but just comment here and there now. Somebody has to stand up to these pathetic values being dictated by the US left and the soft arsed sycophants who get in line and follow them.


  4. I look in from time to time. Glad to see I am remembered with such fondness! I also see most "old school" Bolton have given it up too. Left it to you "fever pitch" type, face nappy wearing, NHS worshipping, racism obsessed, left wing libtards to swap stories about your poor mental health and other cry baby issues. That is between every other post on every topic by either the inane rambling alcoholic "Roger Irrelevant" McAnespie!........ ........and the biggest fucking whining malcontent of all....... Spider who gets nowhere in life all because of Boris and Brexit. Perhaps if he put as much effort into his actual work life as he does posting and moaning on here, then he might feel better and make something of himself. How the depressing cunt keeps down a job is a mystery! As for poor me, not in Spain at the moment, but 10 days into a 30 day stay around different parts of South Goa. I have attached one of last week's sunset pictures below from our Beach Hut Deck at Art Resort in Palolem. Just for you rain and wind swept wankers to enjoy. This rich retirement malarky is just peachy as I am sure my old mate and fellow not right Bolty will soon attest to, that is if he aint already enjoying life with his feet up! Toodle Pip!
  5. :lol:! Try freshly cooked meat and fish, fresh peeled potato and garden grown veg! Perhaps if we smacked your industry with the same limitations we put on the tobacco industry we might not see the level of heart disease and diabetes your lot are responsible for. As for the spew such as pre packed Chicken Tikka Massala you claim is international I doubt any indian could stomach that shit! Your idea of progress will have the NHS trying to cope with a Tsunami As for my Mrs.....you have mail!
  6. God you are a prick! You seem to bring every debate down to your experience in the fucking mass consumer food industry you fucking work in. That fucking same industry that is more responsible for the ill health of the British population than any other. The same industry that fills mass produced food with more sugar, salt and high sucrose corn syrup in a variety of different coloured label and you call that increased choice? As for the rest of your diatribe you come over as some suited up tory boy straight out of a Harry Enfield sketch. FFS! And I am fucking right wing!
  7. Th 60's and 70's were no doubt the best times for the ordinary working class man to improve his lot. People were getting mortgages to move out of terraced houses into new suburban housing estates with garden and yes central heating (even as far back as the mid 60's). Jobs were plentiful and varied and people actually talked to neighbours and socialised in the pubs of which there were 6 times more. Many people started their own businesses including my dad who made so good money. People also knew how to cook meals and the chippy was a weekly treat. I agree with Bolty in that the horse has bolted. We let too many people into the UK who had little or no interest in integrating into our society.
  8. So if we start to normalise burka wearing women and girls walking yards behind their males, sharia law over uk law, honour killings, child brides and all the other good stuff they want then things will get better? Aye alreet!
  9. So I was hearing it right. Tis a dirge to be sure.
  10. What the fuck are those Shrewbury idiots chanting? We were in the West Upper just above them on boxing day and they did it for most of the game, it was doing my head in. Sounds like "Salop, salop"
  11. Just finished Lucky Man season 1. Enjoyed it.
  12. These was always a economic case for more daylight hours in the evenings in summer. Once the Scotchers go there own way we could just keep to BST.
  13. Really?
  14. Litter isnt as bad as it used to be. People used to tip all sorts anywhere in those days.
  15. It is a fantastic area now, thanks to the likes of TMGJ and his friends. Wish it had been the jungle that it is now in my youth, then again we had a live paper mill, steam trains, farms etc to explore. There is no sign of the sewerage works that were replaced in the late 60's by a through tunnel they spent a year constructing. We used to fish johnneys out of the inlet as 6 year olds with sticks. We thought they were marvellous white balloons that could stretch when filled with water. We took our proud findings home to show our families and could not understand the beatings without explanation that followed!
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