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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

TM Trotter

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Everything posted by TM Trotter

  1. I think it's important to recognise a something from IE and the press release: "we want a culture where we promote from within." "Culture" is a big word that a lot of employers don't get right. What does it say to loyal, capable employees, if they're qualified to take on a role but get snubbed in favour of an external "name"? Not that Craddock eould necessarily kick off if he was unsuccessful; I don't know the guy. But why take the risk? Good luck, Matt.
  2. Take pure geography out of it a second. How "up for it" were Carlisle? We're their closest away day (edit: ok, bar the 2x donkey lashers on Fylde), and we can house 5000 of them. No matter what we think, because we played Bayern away once - they're a rival. It's on our coaching and playing staff - and fanbase, to treat it as such.
  3. There was such a universal clamour for VAR not long back, the "big club" fans, bloggers and pundits wailing that "we've got the technology, why aren't we using it?" I thought then that it would be problematic, purely because of the number of cameras in the stadium, the pace of the modern game, and limitless opportunity for decisions to be dissected in minute detail by the nobs on Arsenal TV, wailing Koreans on Twitter and that dour prick Danny Murphy. Absolutely brilliant. (The schadenfreude that is, not the tech itself 😁)
  4. Well done from Randell that, great spot. Lovely move. Pretty horrible watch overall but that's a cracking 3 points. Fantastic, lads.
  5. I think with Evatt playing for Blackpool, alongside the hiding we got earlier in the season, means there's very little chance of him allowing the team to treat it like "another game"... no matter if/how he downplays it in the press.
  6. I've been sat there about 17 years, on and off. Nout wrong with it, but it's hardly the most imposing section of the ground!
  7. All part of the "match day experience" for me. Bit of banter between players and opposing fans is fine. Monkey gestures simply aren't. Although I do notice opposing players generally prefer to give it the biggun to the grandmothers and kids in WSL than those in ESL's TV corner 😆
  8. Sky Glass, in this instance, is one of the apps put on to the dodgy box/stick to enable you to watch any live game. Mine stopped working last season so I got a different app put on it - pretty much the same layout. Works pretty well.
  9. Well done Charlton for sticking in. Granted they're more likely to be a threat in April, but seeing that shower come back from 3 down would have been sour.
  10. Go on, I'll call this out, because whatever your rationale, you are typing absolute, unadulterated horse shit. If a few months of me not seeing my mates down the pub, and having to hug my nan virtually for a few months meant that Betty down the road and thousands, if not millions, like her, had the best chance of living, I'd do the same again. Every. Single. Time.
  11. Almost like the political pyramid scheme empowering old closet racists to "speak their mind" is being eroded, bit by bit. Good. 2024 is going to be so satisfying.
  12. Would you? Saudi Arabia buy UK weapons. They use said weapons to attack Yemen. Imagine you're a Yemeni dad who has seen his family blown to bits with a UK missile, shot by Saudis. Who do you blame? As you survey the wreckage of your life, I'd wager the Yemeni government comes low on your list. Irrespective of who did what, 10, 50, 100 years ago. It's not who is "right" or "wrong" in our Western ivory towers; we haven't got a horse in the race. It's about how you would feel, in attributing immediate blame, when you're faced with an atrocity. I've never been in that position, and I'm grateful. Imagine you were though. How do you feel?
  13. I'm just looking at the graph, as presented. We've grown less than the continental collective which so happens to include the aforementioned countries. I'm just immensely proud of being British. What point are you trying to make here?
  14. Fits well with the 'neo-Nazi' lie Russia has been peddling since they first went 'liberating' the Donbas in 2014. An almost-cohesive nuggest of bullshittery from Peskov and his chums; a genuine rarity. Still the same laughable rhetoric though.
  15. The 6th biggest economy in the world 'doing OK' in comparison to global heavyweights such as Slovakia, Bulgaria and Cyprus? Brilliant lads, we really have Taken Back Control.
  16. Very good 👏
  17. I thought this to myself too. Yes, they are the three longest serving but for me, it speaks volumes that one of the youngest players is involved in conversations with the two on-field leaders. I think we're very lucky to have GT, and he'll be integral to the team in League 1, and higher.
  18. Glad a few have mentioned Vic positively. Thought he looked a different beast to what we've seen from him before. GT was outstanding, agreed. Thriving slightly further forward.
  19. Huge result, excellent performance across the team. Only 3rd thanks to Oxford's last minuter... boo, Evatt Out. Delighted with that, struggling to pick out any real criticisms. Even Dan did a solid impression of a professional footballer!
  20. Best of luck to all of you travelling on our wonderful rail network... I'm not as optimistic as some on here, but I'm feeling a squeaky 2-1 win. GT to bag again, alongside Dion.
  21. That is a damning indictment of how unwell this island has become.
  22. Pfft. Sounds like Project Fear to me. Rishi and Suella and Jacob and Boris and Nigel speak to me as genuine political leaders because they remind me that the real parasites in society are not them, they're in fact those 'orrible forern bastards clinging onto dinghies in the Channel.
  23. Sonewhere high in the double digits. Similar number to their average daily viewership.
  24. I admire your optimism, but what on earth makes you think this fresh group of electable Tories exists? Rotten to the core.
  25. But what's the population of Dammam?
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