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Wanderers Ways. Neil Thompson 1961-2021

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time to shed a couple of stone from my current 16


i have the will power to do it but itll be easier if im not alone


anybody else making the effort and sharing their progress


14 stones where i want to be by end of March

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Done it again and again. Secretary went on Weight Watchers and went from a massive pear to mates who are clients turning up and saying "What happened to Marigold (not her real name)? Looks amazing. I'd give her one". Same lads had never noticed her before.


Cadged a 'points' book off her and it's been simple ever since. 10 days lose 5 kilos without fail. Eat and drink everything I normally would just weigh and measure. Piece of piss.

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14 on Jan 1st


13 would be nice at any point this year


I still want to drink beer at the weekends


But quite happy to up the exercise game


Might go for a swim before work


I'm on a rip down for my holibobs in march.


Clean living and stopping the 3 days a week drinking over the weekend. Takes its toll on me psychologically more than anything.


I'm cutting out carbs for breakfast, low carbs at dinner and tea. No bread whatsoever.

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Things I need to stop:


Greggs bacon butties for breakfast

Packets of crisps whenever

Numerous brews throughout the day


Things I need to start:


Fruit for breakfast

Salad and fish type things for lunch

More water

2 runs a week

2 swims

1 sauna


Theres also this 7 minute work out app, going to try and do 2 circuits of that each day


Have stopped smoking so want to make most of it before I hit 40


I'm yo-yoing. Binged for the last 3-4 weeks. Injured so hardly exercising. Getting all the shite eaten in the house before making a fresh start next week.

Will start off with a carb free week. Followed by 3-4 low carb weeks. Making sure to have 1 or 2 cheat days per week.


I need to lose 3 to 4 stone and trying to follow my mrs who has lost 2 stone in 3 months on slimming world. I've stopped drinking during the week and started to walk around 20 miles at a weekend which is really helping to balance off the few weekend beers. I haven't set a timeframe but would be happy with 3lbs a week

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I have tried all of the carb free stuff (Atkins) and the milk shake bollocks. Problem is, none of it is permanent. As soon as you go back to normal eating, the whole exercise  is proved pointless.


WW is different. Keep eating and drinking all the things you enjoy but at the necessary points level  (for us normal blokes in the 13-16 stone range -25 points 6 days a week, 27 points 1 day a week) and it stays off. I abandoned it on 23rd December and went back to it yesterday. I'll be back to 92kgs from 97kgs by 13th January guaranteed.

Posted (edited)



Cheat days, Marigold's points, brisk walks, no crisps..? Pah!


The correct way to go about it is to get in the gym on a daily basis and exercise until you start weeping involuntarily...Half an hour to forty five minutes may suffice, at first.

Edited by Youri McAnespie
Posted (edited)

It's been a hectic 6 months for me and I've piled the pounds on, 16 and a half stone as it stands with a target of 15 by Easter. Need to nail the fags (again), once and for all this time though!


I'm doing zero booze until Easter, that will kick the fags in to touch, mean a large amount of calories dropped directly from booze and less shite being eaten at weekends


Trying to eat well rather than being completely anal over macros, can't go too hard with diet on top of fags and booze as i'd go nuts. Lots of fruit (not allowed on low carb diets), veg, meat etc - try to avoid bread and Sweet stuff made from refined Sugar (cakes, biscuits etc)


Getting back into running, Great North Run in September is the goal


Bang up for this

Edited by birch-chorley
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I'm shite when it comes to carb counting and the idea of points and all that


Best thing I've come across is them joe wicks books as they give you a good idea of what you can eat if you commit to exercise as well


As for cigs, week 9 of 12 on champix, it is the best thing I've come across and I've tried everything


Managed to get through the Christmas boozing without smoking and if I want to get stoned I use herbal tobacco


Managed a swim this morning but not sure morning exercise will last long unless I go to bed at 10 or something, fuck that

Posted (edited)

If you want an easy way to count calories and macros download the 'my fitness' app


You put your start weight in, goal etc and it gives you a daily calorie number to aim at


You can then put your meals / snacks in easily enough as it scans barcodes and downloads the macros. I do it as I'm going through the day. Let's say your making a chilli you can set a recipe up scan the barcodes of all the ingredients then split it by the number of portions so it's accurate calorie figure for home made meals


I only use it for top line calories but it breaks it down into carbs, protein, fats etc if your going really deep into it

Edited by birch-chorley


Best thing I've come across is them joe wicks books as they give you a good idea of what you can eat if you commit to exercise as well



Mrs Sweep has got the books and signed up for his 90 day plan. The food is really good. She's only a few dayscin, but I'll report back after a week or two when we know how she's doing

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Get married on the 31st March so I need to lose a couple of stone before then.


Currently: 15St 11


Ideal Weight: Mid 13's


Every morning: Doing a 15 min cardio workout


Lunch: Long Walk around Salford Quays


Evening: 30 mins on Cross Trainer and 30 mins Weights at home


Weekends: Long walk around Rivi, Winter Hill etc, and follow Evening regime 


Diet: Cutting out Bread, take-aways and staying off the ale for January as a minimum and re-assess then.  

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Posted (edited)

I can't run much as my calves and Achilles are fucked so getting round that is hard, I know a few folk run/park run etc., so I do more weights. I'm 6ft, 12.5 stone and don't drink much.


Today I've got my lunch of brown rice with Quorn and sweet potato chilli, got a Crossfit class booked at 7pm, which is fucking tough. On it like a boss. Actually, as I tell anyone who will listen, get on it in October, you'll start seeing results by January. It's fucking freezing, your body is craving fatty foods and the gyms are absolutely twatted. Worst time of the year to start!


I've got the Joe Wicks book, it's pretty simple common sense stuff. Some of the recipes are good, in fairness he isn't a chef but it's just a way to get more good stuff into your diet.

Edited by Carlos

Most of these faddy diets are just a temporary fix i.e. - as soon as you get bored of the diet, the weight will come back on in spades.

To be a permanent weight loss it has to be a lifestyle change -

Eat more of the right things

Eat smaller portions

Exercise more.

The weight will come off and stay off.

You can even carry on having a booze and the odd treat every few days.

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I'm gonna try to shift a few ounces over the next few weeks/months. Already guzzling plenty more water, get out with the dog more and cut back on the booze. going to stick to only boozing at football for a few weeks.


Can't be arsed going to a gym or anything extreme like that.

Posted (edited)

Juice plus has worked wonders for many I know, no excerise really involved just a case of clean eating

It's a complete con and pyramid scheme invented to make money and causes more bad than it does good.


Fuckin makes my shit itch.


There absolutely no substitute for a balanced diet and calorie deficit to lose weight.


If you buy juice plus you may as well buy an ounce of whizz and just stop eating all toghter.

Edited by gonzo

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